Quantitative analysis toward understanding quasiparticle interference in the Moore-Read state

Xin Wan

Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, South Korea

Numerical analysis of fractional quantum Hall states on a disk geometry with long-range Coulomb interaction and realistic edge confining potential will be presented. In particular, I explain how to compute edge velocities at filling fractions 1/3, 2/3 and 5/2, which agree quantitatively with experimental measurements [e.g., Camino et al., PRB 74, 115301 (2006); McClure et al., arXiv:0903.5097]. In the 5/2 case, the neutral fermionic velocity has been found to be one order smaller than the charged bosonic velocity, which can have profound implications in quasiparticle interferometry experiment. Motivated by the recent interference measurement by Willett et al. (arXiv:0807.0221), I discuss a quantitative calculation of the tunneling amplitudes of e/4 and e/2 quasiholes in a microscopic model, which, combined with the quantitative calculation of the quasiparticle dephasing length at finite temperatures, provides hints (though incomplete) on the nature of the quasiparticles in the experiment. I will also show how much the neutral velocity can change with various parameters, which may help enhance the dephasing length.
