Announcement downloads:

APCTP-MPIPKS Seminar and Workshop on
Topological Order: From Quantum Hall Systems to Magnetic Materials

June 29 - July 24, 2009

Scientific coordinators:

Roderich Moessner (MPI PKS Dresden, Germany)
Simon Trebst (Microsoft Research, Station Q, Santa Barbara, USA)

Scientific Advisor:
Yunkyu Bang (APCTP, Pohang, South Korea)

Renate Seidel (MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany)

Topics of the workshop will include topological order, frustrated magnetism, quantum Hall systems, unconventional superconductors, and topological insulators. The three workshop weeks will host about 20 participants at any given time, and besides in-depth lectures will offer ample time for discussions among the participants. The conference in the third week of the workshop will host about 70 people and will cover a broad mixture of these topics

Invited participants: (* to be confirmed)

Ehud Altman * (Rehovot) Matt Hastings * (Los Alamos) Kai Schmidt (Dortmund)
Eddy Ardonne (Stockholm) Walter Hofstetter (Frankfurt) Kareljan Schoutens (Amsterdam)
Leon Balents (Santa Barbara) Anders Karlhede (Stockholm) T. Senthil (Cambridge)
G. Baskaran (Chennai) Yong-Baek Kim (Toronto) Sriram Shastry (Santa Cruz)
Andrei Bernevig (Princeton) Alexei Kitaev * (Pasadena) Kirill Shtengel (Riverside)
Wolfram Brenig (Braunschweig) Andreas Läuchli (Dresden) Steve Simon (Oxford)
Hans-Peter Büchler (Stuttgart) Alois Loidl (Augsburg) Jürgen Smet (Stuttgart)
Claudio Castelnovo (Oxford) Andreas Ludwig * (Santa Barbara) Ady Stern (Rehovot)
John Chalker (Oxford) Laurens Molenkamp (Würburg) Hidenory Takagi (Tokyo)
Claudio Chamon (Boston) Joel Moore (Berkeley) Oleg Tchernyshyov (Baltimore)
Nigel Cooper (Cambridge) Satoru Nakatsuji (Tokyo) Hirokazu Tsunetsugu (Tokyo)
Kedar Damle (Mumbai) Masaki Oshikawa (Tokyo) Roser Valenti (Frankfurt)
Sankar Das Sarma (College Park) Jiannis Pachos (Leeds) Frank Verstraete (Vienna)
Merav Dolev (Rehovot) Kwon Park * (Seoul) Matthias Vojta (Cologne)
Paul Fendley (Charlottesville) Vincent Pasquier (Saclay) Xin Wan (Pohang)
Matthew Fisher (Santa Barbara) Didier Poilblanc (Toulouse) Xiao-Gang Wen (Cambridge)
Michael Freedman (Santa Barbara) Gil Refael (Pasadena) Tao Xiang (Beijing)
Jung Hoon Han (Suwon) Bernd Rosenow (Stuttgart) Eric Yang (Seoul)

Applications for participation and poster contributions are welcome and should be made by using the application form on the workshop web page (please see URL below). The number of attendees is limited. The registration fee is 100 EUR and should be paid by all participants. Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute. Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses. Please note that childcare is available upon request.

Deadline for registration is April 1, 2009.

For further information please e-mail to: