Gauge theory description and possible spin charge separation in itinerant chiral magnets

Benedikt Binz

University of Cologne, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Cologne, Germany

By applying pressure to the itinerant chiral magnet MnSi, a state with non-Fermi liquid electrical transport and unusual partially ordered magnetism has been observed. These experiments quite intriguingly suggest diffuse spin correlations and slow dynamics in a pure crystalline metal.

As a possible route towards a theory of the partially ordered state, we show that electrons interacting with a fluctuating magnetic background have a natural gauge theory description. We introduce new variables, where spin and charge of the conduction electrons appear separated. In this language, the helically ordered phase appears as a Anderson-Higgs phase where the gauge field is gapped and the low-energy helimagnon spectrum is obtained. It is currently not known whether this gauge theory also has (deconfined) disordered phases, which could account for the unusual behavior of MnSi under pressure.
