Pseudo gap free moments at the Anderson-metal-insulator-transition

Stefan Kettemann

University of Hamburg and Jacobs University Bremen, 1. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Hamburg, Germany

We present recent results which show that in 2D disordered metals there exists a free magnetic moment where free moments occur due to the appearance of random local pseudogaps at the Fermi energy whose width and power scale with the elastic scattering rate 1/τ[1]. We did perform a nonperturbative finite size scaling analysis applying the numerical renormaisation group method to disordered systems. We discuss our recent results which indicate that there are local pseudogaps due to critical correlations at the Anderson metal insulator transition resulting in a finite number of free magnetic moments at the critical point[2].

[1] A. Zhuravlev et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 247202 (2007)
[2] I. Varga et al. unpublished (2008)
