The effect of the Berry phase term on the quantum critical properties of the
Bose Fermi Kondo model and the quantum to classical mapping

Stefan Kirchner

Rice University, Physics & Astronomy MS61, Houston, USA

The Quantum-to-Classical mapping of a T=0 phase transition maps the critical field theory of a continuous quantum phase transition onto a classical one in higher dimensions. Recently, it has been shown, that this mapping breaks down in the SU(N)xSU(N/2) Bose-Fermi Kondo model (BFKM) [1] and the spin-boson model [2]. In [2], it was argued that this breakdown is associated with the long-range nature of the interaction along imaginary time. Starting from a path-integral over the group SU(2) we anaylze the role the Berry phase term plays in the breakdown. In the spin-anisotropic case, we employ a microscopic mapping [3] of the BFKM onto a long-ranged Ising model to anaylze the critical behavior of both models.

[1] L. Zhu, S. Kirchner, Q. Si and A. George, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 267201 (2004)
[2] M. Vojta, N-H. Tong and R. Bulla, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 070604 (2005).
[3] S.Kirchner and Q.Si, Phys.Rev. Lett. 100, 026403 (2008).
