Entangled cluster states in inhomogeneous quantum magnets

Yu-Cheng Lin

Universität des Saarlandes, Theoretische Physik, Saarbrücken, Germany

Motivated by recent studies showing intimate connections between entanglement and quantum phase transitions, the understanding of the degree of entanglement in quantum many-body systems has prompted an enormous effort at the interface between condensed matter physics, quantum information theory and quantum field theory. A fundamental question in this research field is concerned with the scaling of the entropy quantifying the degree of entanglement between a spatially confined region and its complement in a quantum many-body system. We study this issue based on the random quantum Ising model and show evidence for non-trivial and long-range quantum entanglement at its quantum critical point in two dimensions. Furthermore, we show some salient entanglement properties of inhomogeneous quantum Ising chains. This poster is partially related to the invited talk by F. Igloi.
