• For each poster presentation one poster wall will be available.

  • Please note that the size of the poster walls is 185 cm (height) x 95 cm (width).

  • Double-sided tape/magnets will be provided.

    1 Bastine, David abstract Detecting Bifurcations in systems with additive noise
    2 Baydil, Banu abstract Parameterization for Mesoscale Ocean Transport through Random Flow Models
    3 Ermanyuk, Evgeny abstract Propagation of weakly dissipative gravity currents and their interaction with obstacles
    4 Chehata Gomez, Daniel
    Martinez Mercado, Julian
    abstract On bubble clustering in pseudoturbulence
    5 Hernandez-Carrasco, Ismael abstract Statistical properties and robustness of dispersion from surface velocity data
    6 März, Jöran abstract Interplay of hydrodynamics and microbes determines the transport behaviour of marine aggregates: A case study
    7 Medrano, Rene Orlando abstract Finite-size particles, advection, and chaos: A collective phenomenon of auto-excitability
    8 Pattantyus-Abraham, Margit abstract Dispersion rate for initial particles dynamics
    9 Pergolizzi, Benjamin abstract Heavy particles in a "Tic-tac-toe" flow
    10 Serdtseva, Nina abstract Optical measurements of internal-wave radiation by cylinders oscillating in a uniformly stratified fluid
    11 Shchekinova, Elena abstract Transport properties in Galloway Proctor flow
    12 Slawinska, Joanna abstract Impact of entrainment and mixing on shallow convection
    13 Slawinska, Joanna abstract Indirect impact of atmospheric aerosols on deep organized convection: Results from a prescribed-flow model with a two-moment bulk microphysics scheme
    14 Vanyo, Jozsef abstract Chaotic motion of light particles in an unsteady three dimensional vortex: Experiment and simulation
    15 Escribano, Bruno abstract Bailout embeddings applied: Tidal synchronization of celestial bodies

    Last update: September 15, 2008