Approaches to design of realizable systems with structurally stable chaotic attractors

Sergey P. Kuznetsov

Kotel'nikov's Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics, Saratov, Russia

The talk formulates a research program aimed at implementation of uniformly hyperbolic attractors of Smale - Williams and Plykin type in realizable systems and devices. Several approaches are developed and illustrated with concrete examples. Among them, construction of models on a base of dissipative systems driven by short periodic pulses; construction of dynamics in non-autonomous systems as periodic repetition of certain stages of continuous transformations; transfer of excitation between alternately exciting oscillators accompanied by evolution of phase in accordance with chaotic maps; exploiting the parametric excitation principle; use of retarding feedback loops to arrange chaotic dynamics of phases for a periodically exciting oscillator. Some advantages of the schemes based on the hyperbolic attractors are discussed in respect to possible applications, e.g. for chaotic communication.
