List of poster contributions

  • For each poster one poster wall will be available.

  • All posters will be on display for the whole workshop week.

  • The size of the poster walls is 185 cm (height) x 95 cm (width) (A0, Portrait).

  • The number in front of your name stands for the number of the poster wall reserved for you.

  • Magnets/double-sided tape will be provided.

  • Click on the poster title to see the abstract (if available).

  • 1 Alam, Meheboob Nonlinear stability and patterns in granular shear flows
    2 Aristoff, David Dilatancy transition in a granular model
    3 Bi, Dapeng Stress fluctuations in cyclically sheared dense granular materials
    4 Borzsonyi, Tamas Geometry of shear zones in inhomogeneous granular materials
    5 Daniels, Karen The effect of force chains on granular acoustics
    6 Estrada, Cesar Fluid-solid transition in hard hyper-sphere systems
    7 Fiege, Andrea Long-time tails and cage effect in driven granular fluids
    8 Gögelein, Christoph Temperature-induced capillary bridges in granular media
    9 Hihinashvili, Riki Structural characterisation of porous and granular materials
    10 Hocevar, Ana Degenerate polygonal tilings in simple animal tissues
    11 Ikeda, Atsushi Glass transition and dimensionality
    12 Klotsa, Daphne Structure formations of spheres in oscillatory fluid flows
    13 Lafuente, Luis Fluid-fluid vs. fluid-solid phase separation in the mixture of hard parallel hypercubes
    14 Martínez-Ratón, Yuri Phase transitions in nanoconfined binary mixtures of highly oriented colloidal rods
    15 Mickel, Walter Disordered spherical bead packs are anisotropic
    16 Möbius, Matthias The Abov-Weaire law in polydisperse 2D granular packings
    17 Neudecker, Max Tapping tetrahedra
    18 Pucket, James Fluctuations in local volume fraction statistics
    19 Ren, Jie The response of a 2D dense granular system under quasi-static shear
    20 Shokef, Yair Geometric frustration and glassy dynamics in buckled colloidal monolayers
    21 Singh, Abhinendra Jamming and shear banding
    22 Ulrich, Stephan Cooling and aggregation in wet granular systems

    Last update: 27/05/2010