Bipartite entanglement of nonlinear quantum systems in the context of the q-HeisenbergWeyl algebra

Hichem Eleuch

MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Condensed Matter, Dresden, Germany

We study in detail the degree of entanglement of bipartite system states in the context of q-Heisenberg-Wely algebra. We examine the entanglement properties for two systems of arbitrary deformation parameters q1 and q2, defined in entanglement of entangled deformed bosonic coherent states of each of the deformation parameters. For a particular choice of the parameters that specify the coherent states, we give conditions under which bipartite entangled coherent states become maximally entangled. We generalize this formalism to the case of bipartite mixed states using a simplified expression of concurrence in Wootters' measure of the bipartite entanglement.
