Poster contributions

The list of poster contributions will be available after the application deadline.

  • For each poster presentation one poster wall will be available.

  • Please note that the size of the poster walls is 185 cm (height) x 95 cm (width).

  • Double-sided tape/magnets will be provided.

    1 Bergholtz, Emil abstract One-dimensional theory of the quantum Hall system
    2 Bolukbasi, Ahmet Tuna abstract Vortices in Kitaev's honeycomb model
    3 Buerschaper, Oliver abstract Tensor network representations of topological states
    4 Cayssol, Jerome abstract Cooper pair injection into helical edge states
    5 Fujimoto, Satoshi abstract Non-Abelian topological order in s-wave superfluids of ultracold fermionic atoms
    6 Fukui, Takahiro abstract Z2 index of Dirac operator with time reversal symmetry
    7 Heidrich-Meisner, Fabian abstract Unconventional, field-induced order in the frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain
    8 Hsu, Benjamin abstract Universal entanglement entropy in quantum critical points
    9 Kailasvuori, Janik abstract Non-Abelian states
    10 Kane, Charlie abstract Critical behavior of a quantum point contact in a quantum spin Hall insulator
    11 Kalz, Ansgar abstract Quantum-Monte-Carlo for hardcore bosons on a square lattice with competing interactions
    12 Katsura, Hosho abstract Graph theory, topology, and supersymmetry in flat-band Hubbard models
    13 Kirchner, Stefan abstract Scaling and enhanced symmetry at Kondo-destroying quantum critical points
    14 Kiselev, Nikolay abstract Topological defects in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy
    15 Lahtinen, Ville abstract Non-Abelian statistics as a Berry phase in an exactly solvable model
    16 Lang, Thomas abstract Phase diagram of the SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice
    17 Lawler, Michael abstract Neel ordering in Zn-Paratacamite
    18 Leonov, Andriy abstract Skyrmionic textures in condensed matter systems with intrinsic and induced chirality
    19 O'Brien, Aroon abstract Charge fractionalization in a model of spinless fermions on a Kagome lattice
    20 Oka, Takashi abstract Photovoltaic Hall effect and its topological origin
    21 Onoda, Shigeki abstract Cooperative ferroquadrupole order and chiral spin liquid state in pyrochlore magnets
    22 Overbosch, Bas abstract Long tunneling contact as a probe of fractional quantum Hall neutral edge modes
    23 Papic, Zlatko abstract Fractional quantum Hall state at 1/4 in a wide quantum well
    24 Pollmann, Frank abstract Theory of finite-entanglement scaling at one-dimensional quantum critical points
    25 Raczkowski, Marcin abstract Fermionic valence bond supersolid on the pyrochlore lattice
    26 Sato, Masahiro abstract Characterization of field-induced multipolar liquids in frustrated spin chains from dynamical correlations
    27 Sato, Masatoshi abstract Topological properties of spin-triplet superconductors and the Fermi surface topology in the normal states
    28 Shindou, Ryuichi abstract SU(2) mean-field theory of bond-type spin nematic orders
    29 Sikora, Olga abstract A quantum liquid in three dimensions
    30 Stephan, Jean-Marie abstract Quantum critical spin chains and entanglement entropy in 2D Rokhsar-Kivelson wave functions
    31 Thomale, Ronny abstract Jack polynominal description of quantum Hall states
    32 Totsuka, Keisuke abstract Possible featureless spin liquid phases in high magnetic field
    33 Wenzel, Sandro abstract Directional-ordering in the two-dimensional classical and quantum compass model
    34 Willans, Adam abstract Disorder in Kitaev's Honeycomb model
    35 Wulferding, Dirk abstract Instabilities in the frustrated 2D J1-J2 system
    36 Zhang, Guang-Ming abstract Characterization of topologically distinct classes of valence bond solid states in one dimension
    37 Zozulya, Oleksandr abstract Entanglement signatures of quantum Hall phase transitions

    Last update: July 10, 2009