Welcome to the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

Workshops and Seminars: Next in the row


Machine Learning for Quantum Matter

Scientific Coordinators: Juan Carrasquilla, Markus Schmitt, Filippo Vicentini


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Flat Bands, Strong Correlations, and Heavy Fermions

Scientific Coordinators: Silke Bühler-Paschen, Abhay Pasupathy, Qimiao Si


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Work with us!


The institute offers various opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs and faculty members.

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Public Outreach

Our public outreach program aims to make scientific results accessible to the general public. Active scientists speak about their recent work and explain it to a lay public with an interest in natural sciences, or to school children of different ages.

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Geometric Floquet Theory

Paul Schindler (MPI-PKS)

20 Feb 2025, 03:00 PM Seminarroom 4

QDS: Stochastic processes go quantum: From the half-quantum Ising model to dissipative quantum walks

Prof. Thomas Gorin (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico)

20 Feb 2025, 04:30 PM Room 1D1


Publication Highlights

Nonequilibrium Transitions in a Template Copying Ensemble

The ability to replicate is a hallmark of the living world. Organisms can…

Publication Highlights

Nanoscale mapping of altermagnetism

An international team of researchers, including Libor Šmejkal of the Max Planck…