Bust of Max Planck


Publication Highlights

Cell-body rocking is a dominant mechanism for flagellar synchronization in a swimming alga

The eukaryotic flagellum is a best-seller of nature: These slender cell appendages propel sperm and many other microswimmers, including disease-causing protists. In mammalian airways or the oviduct, collections of flagella beat in synchrony to pump fluids efficiently. Flagellar synchronization was proposed to rely on mechanical feedback by hydrodynamic forces, but the details are not well understood. Here, we used theory and experiment to elucidate a mechanism of synchronization in the model organism Chlamydomonas, a green algal cell that swims with two flagella like a breaststroke swimmer. Our analysis shows how synchronization arises by a coupling of swimming and flagellar beating and characterizes an exemplary force–velocity relationship of the flagellar beat. Veikko F. Geyer, Frank Jülicher, Jonathon Howard, and Benjamin M. Friedrich PNAS 110 (45), 18058 (2013)
Institute's News

New research group 'Quantum Matter – Transport and Dynamics'

The new research group is headed by Dr. Jens Bardarson and studies quantum matter, condensed matter which properties are dominated by quantum effect, with focus ranging from fundamental theory to direct comparison and collaboration with experimental groups, in particular in Dresden.
Institute's News

New research group 'Self-Organization of Biological Structures'

The junior research group headed by Dr. Jan Brugués is affiliated with both our institute and the MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. It is focused on understanding how the large-scale patterns and behaviors of biological structures emerge from the collective behaviors of molecules.
Publication Highlights

Engineering Ising-XY spin-models in a triangular lattice using tunable artificial gauge fields

Magnetism plays a key role in modern science and technology, but still many open questions arise from the interplay of magnetic many-body interactions. Deeper insight into complex magnetic behaviour and the nature of magnetic phase transitions can be obtained from, for example, model systems of coupled XY and Ising spins. Here, we report on the experimental realization of such a coupled system with ultracold atoms in triangular optical lattices. This is accomplished by imposing an artificial gauge field on the neutral atoms, which acts on them as a magnetic field does on charged particles. As a result, the atoms show persistent circular currents, the direction of which provides an Ising variable. On this, the tunable staggered gauge field, generated by a periodic driving of the lattice, acts as a longitudinal field. Further, the superfluid ground state presents strong analogies with the paradigm example of the fully frustrated XY model on a triangular lattice. J. Struck, M. Weinberg, C. Ölschläger, P. Windpassinger, J. Simonet, K. Sengstock, R. Höppner, P. Hauke, A. Eckardt, M. Lewenstein & L. Mathey Nature Physics 9, 738–743 (2013)
Awards and Honors

European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division Europhysics Prize 2012

The 2012 EPS Condensed Matter Division Europhysics Prize is awarded to Steven Bramwell, Claudio Casternovo, Santiago Grigera, Roderich Moessner, Shivaji Sondhi and Alan Tennant for the prediction and experimental observation of magnetic monopoles in spin ice. The Prize will be presented at the forthcoming EPS CMD General Conference in Edinburgh (UK).
Publication Highlights

Liquid transport facilitated by channels in Bacillus subtilis biofilms

Many bacteria on earth exist in surface-attached communities known as biofilms. These films are responsible for manifold problems, including hospital-acquired infections and biofouling, but they can also be beneficial. Biofilm growth depends on the transport of nutrients and waste, for which diffusion is thought to be the main source of transport. However, diffusion is ineffective for transport over large distances and thus should limit growth. Nevertheless, biofilms can grow to be very large. Here we report the presence of a remarkable network of well-defined channels that form in wild-type Bacillus subtilis biofilms and provide a system for enhanced transport. We observe that these channels have high permeability to liquid flow and facilitate the transport of liquid through the biofilm. In addition, we find that spatial variations in evaporative flux from the surface of these biofilms provide a driving force for the flow of liquid in the channels. These channels offer a remarkably simple system for liquid transport, and their discovery provides insight into the physiology and growth of biofilms. James N. Wilking, Vasily Zaburdaev, Michael De Volder, Richard Losick, Michael P. Brenner and David A. Weitz PNAS 110 (3), 848 (2013)
Awards and Honors

Mitgliedschaft in der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

Prof. Jan-Michael Rost ist zum Mitglied der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig ernannt worden.
Publication Highlights

Forces driving epithelial spreading in zebrafish gastrulation

Contractile actomyosin rings drive various fundamental morphogenetic processes ranging from cytokinesis to wound healing. Actomyosin rings are generally thought to function by circumferential contraction. Here, we show that the spreading of the enveloping cell layer (EVL) over the yolk cell during zebrafish gastrulation is driven by a contractile actomyosin ring. In contrast to previous suggestions, we find that this ring functions not only by circumferential contraction but also by a flow-friction mechanism. This generates a pulling force through resistance against retrograde actomyosin flow. EVL spreading proceeds normally in situations where circumferential contraction is unproductive, indicating that the flow-friction mechanism is sufficient. Thus, actomyosin rings can function in epithelial morphogenesis through a combination of cable-constriction and flow-friction mechanisms. Martin Behrndt, Guillaume Salbreux, Pedro Campinho, Robert Hauschild, Felix Oswald, Julia Rönsch, Stephan Grill and Carl?Philipp Heisenberg Science 338, 257 (2012)
Publication Highlights

Covariant Lyapunov Vectors from Reconstructed Dynamics: The Geometry behind True and Spurious Lyapunov Exponents

The estimation of Lyapunov exponents from time series suffers from the appearance of spurious Lyapunov exponents due to the necessary embedding procedure. Separating true from spurious exponents poses a fundamental problem which is not yet solved satisfactorily. We show, in this Letter, analytically and numerically that covariant Lyapunov vectors associated with true exponents lie in the tangent space of the reconstructed attractor. Therefore, we use the angle between the covariant Lyapunov vectors and the tangent space of the reconstructed attractor to identify the true Lyapunov exponents. The usefulness of our method, also for noisy situations, is demonstrated by applications to data from model systems and a NMR laser experiment. Hong-liu Yang, Günter Radons, and Holger Kantz Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 244101 (2012)
Publication Highlights

On the origin of long-range correlations in texts

The complexity of human interactions with social and natural phenomena is mirrored in the way we describe our experiences through natural language. In order to retain and convey such a high dimensional information, the statistical properties of our linguistic output has to be highly correlated in time. An example are the robust observations, still largely not understood, of correlations on arbitrary long scales in literary texts. In this paper we explain how long-range correlations flow from highly structured linguistic levels down to the building blocks of a text (words, letters, etc..). By combining calculations and data analysis we show that correlations take form of a bursty sequence of events once we approach the semantically relevant topics of the text. The mechanisms we identify are fairly general and can be equally applied to other hierarchical settings. Eduardo G. Altmann, Giampaolo Cristadoro and Mirko Degli Esposti PNAS 109 (29), 11582 (2012)