
coffee, tea, cookies at 16:00 in the main hall
Monday 16:30-17:30
Seminar room 1+2
- monthly seminars -
Wednesday 15:30 - 17:00
Seminar room 4
- weekly seminars -
Monday 11:00-12:00
Seminar room 4
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30
Seminar room 1D1
Thursday 14:00-15:00
Seminar room 4



Vorträge in chronologischer Reihenfolge

01 Aug 2024
04:30 PM

QDS: Quantum optics with Rydberg superatoms

Nina Stiesdal (University of Bonn)

Strong, long-range interaction between Rydberg atoms plays an important role in many emerging fields of research, including the field of quantum optics, where the strong interactions are mapped onto traveling photons. One Rydberg-based system that allows few photon manipulation is Rydberg superatoms: Ensembles of $N \sim 1000$ individual atoms confined within the Rydberg blockade volume. Due to the blockade, each ensemble can only host a single, collective excitation to a given Rydberg state, and it therefore resembles a single two-level system. The collective nature of the excitation gives rise to a $\sqrt{N}$ enhancement of coupling to a driving field, and to a highly directional emission into the optical mode defined by this field. In this talk I will discuss the realization of a single and multiple Rydberg superatoms and show experimental results of the strong coupling of superatoms to few-photon probe pulses. The outstanding goal is to realize a chain of superatoms coupled to the same optical mode, thereby realizing a cascaded waveguide system. We pursue this goal by trapping the atoms in both their ground and Rydberg state in a magic wavelength optical lattice. This trap reduces atomic motion and limits dephasing of the collective excitation, thereby extending the system coherence time. Due to the extent of the Rydberg electron wavefunction, the almost-free electron probes the shape of the trapping potential. I will show how this manifests as a trap geometry-dependent magic detuning.

Room 1D1 iCal Event
14 Aug 2024
03:30 PM

IMPRS Seminar:

Germán Molpeceres de Diego (CSIC, Madrid)

Seminarroom 4 iCal Event
14 Aug 2024
04:45 PM

IMPRS Seminar

Jan Postulka (UCT Prague)

Seminarroom 4 iCal Event
19 Aug 2024
04:30 PM


Seminarroom 1+2+3 iCal Event
09 Sep 2024
04:30 PM

Machine Learning Improves Quantum Technologies

Florian Marquardt (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)

Seminarroom 1+2+3 iCal Event
16 Sep 2024
04:30 PM


Prof. David Weld (UC Santa Barbara)


Seminarroom 1+2+3 iCal Event
23 Sep 2024
04:30 PM

Copernicus Revisited: Is the Earth Special?

Prof. Laura Kreidberg (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)

Nearly 500 years ago, Nicolas Copernicus published his disruptive theory that Earth is not the center of the universe. This "Copernican demotion" has held fast over the centuries, as astronomers have learned that there is nothing particularly remarkable about Earth or even the Milky Way. In the last two decades, however, a new test of the Copernican Principle has emerged -- the discovery of an abundance of planets orbiting other stars. These discoveries allow us to put Earth in context and evaluate whether the formation, architecture, and present-day characteristics of our Solar System are in fact typical. One of the biggest open questions is whether Earth-like exoplanets have water, a key ingredient for life. Thanks to the revolutionary new observing capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), it is possible to characterize the atmospheres of Earth-sized worlds for the first time. In this talk, I will share the latest observations of rocky exoplanet atmospheres from JWST, discuss the implications for their water abundances in comparison to the Earth, and answer the question: was Copernicus wrong?

Seminarroom 1+2+3 iCal Event
23 Oct 2024
03:30 PM

IMPRS Seminar

Dr. Michel Fruchart (CNRS, ESPCI and PSL University, Paris)

Seminarroom 4 iCal Event
23 Oct 2024
04:45 PM

IMPRS Seminar

Pawel Matus (MPIPKS, Dresden)

Seminarroom 4 iCal Event
28 Oct 2024
04:30 PM


Prof. Thomas Kühne (University of Paderborn)


Seminarroom 1+2+3 iCal Event
30 Oct 2024
02:00 PM

Title t. b. a.

Silvia Budday (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU))

Seminarroom 4 iCal Event