

Our institute has reserved a number of slots at two Kindergärten nearby: 'Naseweis' and 'Baumgeister' (please note that Kita Baumgeister is currently being renovated and can thus only accept new registrations for the year 2024 starting from August 2023 onward). The age ranges from toddlers to pre-school. Institute members who are interested in childcare should first register through the parents portal of the City of Dresden. This part is at the moment only available in German, you are welcome to contact the visitors program should you require assistance with the form. After completing the form, you are welcome to approach the head of administration so that one of the slots can be requested by the institute upon availability. Since waiting times vary greatly, we recommend to start the procedure as early as possible.

Should family circumstances require you to bring your child to the institute, MPI-PKS offers a separate office equipped for this purpose - please contact the visitors program.