In 1983, the two physicists Page and Wootters postulated a timeless entangled quantum state of the universe in which time emerges for a subsystem in relation to the rest of the universe. This radical perspective of one quantum system serving as the other’s temporal reference resembles our traditional use of celestial bodies’ relative motion to
track time. However, a vital piece has been missing: the inevitable interaction of physical systems.
Forty years later, Sebastian Gemsheim and Jan M. Rost from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems have finally shown how a static global state, a solution of the time-independent Schrödinger equation, gives rise to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the state of the subsystem once it is separated from its environment to which it retains arbitrary static couplings. Exposing a twofold role, the environment additionally provides a time-dependent effective potential governing the system dynamics, which is intricately encoded in the entanglement of the global state. Since no approximation is required, intriguing applications beyond the question of time are within reach for heavily entangled quantum systems, which are elusive but relevant for processing quantum information.
Sebastian Gemsheim and Jan M. Rost, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 140202 (2023)
New Max Planck Fellow group established at the institute
The Max Planck Fellows Programme promotes cooperation between universities and Max Planck institutes and enables a university professor to install a research group at an MPI. We are glad to announce that Prof. Jan Budich from TU Dresden has started a new Max Planck Fellow group "Dissipative Quantum Matter" at MPI-PKS. The research group will explore quantum many-body systems in which dissipation plays a crucial role, for example inducing novel phases of topological matter or enabling the controlled preparation of complex quantum states in the context of quantum simulators. Regarding physical platforms, the spectrum of interest ranges from quantum condensed matter to atomic and quantum-optical many-body systems.
Welcome at the institute, Jan!
When a liquid is cooled to form a glass, its dynamic slows down significantly, resulting in its unique properties. This process, known as “glass transition”, has puzzled scientists for decades. One of its intriguing aspects is the emergence of “dynamical heterogeneities”, when the dynamics become increasingly correlated and intermittent as the liquid cools down and approaches the glass transition temperature.
In a new collaborative study, Ali Tahaei and Marko Popovic from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, with colleagues from EPFL Lausanne, ENS Paris, and Université Grenoble Alpes, propose a new theoretical framework to explain the origin of the dynamical heterogeneities in glass-forming liquids.
Based on the premise that relaxation in these materials occurs occurs through local rearrangements of particles that interact via elastic interactions, the researchers formulated a scaling theory that predicts a growing length-scale of dynamical heterogeneties upon decreasing temperature. The proposed mechanism is an example of extremal dynamics that leads to self-organised critical behavior. The proposed scaling theory also accounts for the Stokes-Einstein breakdown, which is a phenomenon observed in glass-forming liquids in which the viscosity becomes uncoupled from the diffusion coefficient. To validate their theoretical predictions, the researchers conducted extensive numerical simulations that confirmed the predictions of the scaling theory.
Ali Tahaei, Giulio Biroli, Misaki Ozawa, Marko Popovic, and Matthieu Wyart, Phys. Rev. X 13, 031034 (2023).
The John Atanasoff Award, named after the creator of the first electronic computer - the famous scholar of Bulgarian descent, John Atanasoff, was first awarded in 2003 in support of the personal achievements of young Bulgarian researchers working in the fields of informatics and information technology. Marin Bukov, group leader at MPI-PKS, is among this year's awardees ”for his outstanding contributions to the field of artificial intelligence applied to quantum technologies, and for his role in the development of efficient innovative research and education tools used worldwide”. Congratulations, Marin!
Call for Distinguished PKS Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 open!
Application deadline: 10 November 2023. Distinguished PKS postdoctoral fellows appear personally along with the departments and groups on the main research page of the institute and are expected to have at least one year of postdoctoral experience at an institution other than the one at which their PhD was awarded. Applications for this fellowship directly after completion of the PhD might be considered in exceptional cases.
Please click on the link- button to see the full advertisement!
Cell Lineage Statistics with Incomplete Population Trees
Cell lineage statistics is a powerful tool for inferring cellular parameters, such as division rate, death rate, fitness landscape and selection. Yet, in practice such an analysis suffers from a basic problem: how should we treat incomplete lineages that do not survive until the end of the experiment? Examples of such lineages are found in experiments in which cells can die (antibiotic experiments, ...) and in experiments in which cells are diluted to maintain the population constant (microchannels, cytometers, ...).
Arthur Genthon of the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Takashi Nozoe (U. Tokyo, Japan), Luca Peliti (Santa Marinella Research Institute, Italy), and David Lacoste (Gulliver, Paris) have now developed a model-independent theoretical framework to address this issue.
They show how to quantify fitness landscape, survivor bias, and selection for arbitrary cell traits from cell lineage statistics in the presence of death, and they test this method using an experimental data set in which a cell population is exposed to a drug that kills a large fraction of the population. This analysis reveals that failing to properly account for dead lineages can lead to misleading fitness estimations. For simple trait dynamics, they prove and illustrate numerically that the fitness landscape and the survivor bias can in addition be used for the nonparametric estimation of the division and death rates, using only lineage histories. Their framework provides universal bounds on the population growth rate, and a fluctuation-response relation that quantifies the change in population growth rate due to the variability in death rate. Further, in the context of cell size control, they obtain generalizations of Powell's relation that link the distributions of generation times with the population growth rate, and they show that the survivor bias can sometimes conceal the adder property, namely the constant increment of volume between birth and division.
Arthur Genthon, Takashi Nozoe, Luca Peliti, and David Lacoste, PRX Life 1, 013014 (2023)
Two ERC Starting Grants awarded to group leaders at MPI-PKS
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced early-career top researchers across Europe who will receive a starting grant. The prestigious grants enable the best young researchers in Europe to build their own teams and to conduct pioneering research across all disciplines. This year, two of these grants were awarded to research group leaders at the MPI-PKS: Marin Bukov for his proposal "Nonequilibrium Many Body Control of Quantum Simulators" and Ricard Alert for his proposal "The Spectrum of Fluctuations in Living Matter". Congratulations!!
The hydrogen atom is one of the few exactly solvable quantum systems. Its well-known properties are shared by highly excited Rydberg atoms, albeit to such an exaggerated degree that their behavior is often wholly unexpected.
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems have now investigated a Rydberg atom perturbed by ground state atoms, exploiting hydrogen's infinite spectrum and high degeneracy to show that the Rydberg electron localizes in the same fashion as electrons in a disordered solid. This unexpected manifestation of Anderson localization is enabled by the existence of a well-defined thermodynamic limit of the single Rydberg electron as its principle quantum number and the number of ground state atoms increase in tandem. Myriad localization regimes can be realized as a function of the geometry of the system.
Matthew T. Eiles, Alexander Eisfeld, and Jan M. Rost, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033032 (2023)
Application deadline: 25 September 2023. The ELBE postdoctoral fellows program addresses independent researchers on the postdoctoral level, who come with their own research proposal and freely choose which groups to affiliate with. The program provides an ideal springboard to an independent research career in systems biology, theoretical biophysics, computational biology, mathematics in the life sciences, computer science and machine learning with application to biological systems, and related areas. Please click on the link- button for more info and application instructions!
An artificial intelligence agent manipulates many interacting quantum bits of information
In recent years, quantum technologies have experienced significant growth, offering immense potential in various areas. Quantum computers are expected to revolutionise optimisation and search algorithms; quantum simulators help explore new quantum phases of matter; quantum sensors can achieve unparalleled precision in measurements, and quantum cryptography provides robust security for communication protocols. The advantage of these new technologies over their classical counterparts lies in quantum correlations (called by physicists quantum entanglement), and realises phenomena beyond the scope of classical physics.
However, the successful implementation of most quantum technologies relies heavily on the ability to manipulate the underlying quantum systems. This task is already challenging in classical dynamics, but quantum physics adds an extra layer of complexity. The issue arises from the difficulty in simulating quantum systems with many interacting qubits, as the memory requirements exceed the capabilities of even the best classical supercomputers.Physicists refer to this challenge as the "curse of dimensionality", rendering it infeasible to simulate the behavior of large quantum many-body systems using classical computers and devising optimal control strategies for them.
Addressing this problem, Friederike Metz (OIST and EPFL) and Marin Bukov (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems and Sofia University) introduced a new approach: they applied deep reinforcement learning (RL), a subfield of machine learning, to design an artificial intelligent agent capable of controlling quantum many-body systems effectively. To overcome the curse of dimensionality, they employed tensor networks–mathematical structures that allow for an approximate representation of large quantum states on classical computers. Leveraging tensor networks, Metz and Bukov developed a novel deep learning architecture that empowers RL agents to process and interpret quantum many-body states seamlessly.
The trained RL agent demonstrated remarkable performance in preparing ordered ground states in the quantum Ising chain, a fundamental model for studying quantum magnetism. This new framework surpassed the limitations of standard neural-network-only architectures, enabling the control of significantly larger systems while retaining the benefits of deep learning algorithms, such as generalizability and trainable robustness to noise. Notably, the RL agent exhibited the ability to find universal controls in few-qubit systems, learn to steer previously unseen many-qubit states optimally, and adapt control protocols in real-time when faced with stochastic perturbations in quantum dynamics. Additionally, the authors
propose a way to map their RL framework to a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm that can be executed on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.
This research has profound implications, paving the way for applying deep RL to efficiently control large quantum systems–a crucial requirement for advancing modern quantum technologies. With these techniques, researchers expect to explore novel quantum phases, design complex molecules, achieve unprecedented measurement precision, and build secure networks using quantum communication, among other groundbreaking applications. An earlier version of this text was improved using ChatGPT. The image accompanying the text was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2 using the prompt "A robot manipulating atoms in a quantum computer, Surrealism".