A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars in the past


Atomic Physics 2017

Scientific Coordinators: Tilman Pfau, Jan-Michael Rost
Organisation: Gabi MakoliesRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Critical Stability of Quantum Few-Body Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Tobias Frederico, Aksel Jensen, Alejandro Kievsky, Jean-Marc Richard
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more

Quantum Sensing with Quantum Correlated Systems

Scientific coordinators: Markus Oberthaler, Stephan Rachel, Anna Sanpera Trigueros
Organisation: Claudia DomaschkeRead more

Korrelationstage 2017

Scientific Coordinators: Sebastian Eggert, Andrew Mackenzie, Salvatore R. Manmana
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Climate Fluctuations and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: an Interdisciplinary Dialogue

Scientific Coordinators: Joachim Krug, Brad Marston, Jeffrey Weiss, Royce Zia
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more

Brain Dynamics on Multiple Scales - Paradigms, their Relations, and Integrated Approaches

Scientific Coordinators: Peter Achermann, Eckehard Olbrich, Thomas Wennekers
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

Quantum Memory from Quantum Dynamics

Scientific Coordinators: John S. Briggs, Jan-Michael Rost, Walter T. Strunz
Organisation: Claudia DomaschkeRead more

Future Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology

Scientific Coordinators: Chunhai Fan, Michael Mertig, Hao Yan
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more

Discrete, Nonlinear and Disordered Optics

Scientific Coordinators: Mordechai Segev, Alexander Szameit, Sergei Turitsyn
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more
Focus Workshop

Many paths to interference: a Journey between Quantum Dots and Single Molecule Junctions

Scientific Coordinators: Andrea Donarini, Linda Zotti
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more

Joint IMPRS Workshop on Condensed Matter, Quantum Technology and Quantum Materials

Scientific Coordinators: Sonya Gzyl, Anatole Kenfack, Markus König, Hans-Georg Libuda
Organisation: Claudia Domaschke, Amy WrightRead more

Dynamical Probes for Exotic States of Matter

Scientific Coordinators: Michael Knap, Roderich Moessner, Frank Pollmann
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Focus Workshop

Quantum Dynamics in Tailored Intense Fields

Scientific Coordinators: Manfred Lein, Gerhard Paulus, Jan-Michael Rost
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

Quantum-Classical Transition in Many-Body Systems: Indistinguishability, Interference and Interactions

Scientific Coordinators: Andreas Buchleitner, Juan-Diego Urbina
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more