A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars in the past


Atomic Physics 2016

Scientific Coordinators: Alexandra Landsman, Jan-Michael Rost
Organisation: Gabi MakoliesRead more

Tensor Product State Simulations of Strongly Correlated Systems

Frank Pollmann, Norbert Schuch, Frank Verstraete
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

Physical Biology of Tissue Morphogenesis - Mechanics, Metabolism and Signaling

Scientific Coordinators: Yohanns Bellaïche, Suzanne Eaton, Jean-François Joanny, Frank Jülicher
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Multistability and Tipping: From Mathematics and Physics to Climate and Brain

Scientific Coordinators: Ulrike Feudel, Alexander Pisarchik, Kenneth Showalter
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more
Focus Workshop

Bridging-Time Scale Techniques and their Applications in Atomistic Computational Science

Scientific Coordinators: Matthias Posselt, Roger Smith, Blas Uberuaga
Organisation: Amy WrightRead more
Focus Workshop

Principles of Biological and Robotic Navigation

Scientific Coordinators: Benjamin M. Friedrich, Ulrich Benjamin Kaupp, Samuel Sánchez
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

Pattern Dynamics in Nonlinear Optical Cavities

Scientific Coordinators: Neil Broderick, Bernd Krauskopf, Kathy Lüdge
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Focus Workshop

Floquet Physics

Scientific Coordinators: Roderich Moessner and Shivaji Sondhi
Organisation: Amy WrightRead more
Focus Workshop

Disorder, Interactions and Coherence: Warps and Delights

Scientific Coordinators: Serguei Brazovskii, Natasha Kirova, Leonid Levitov
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Topological Patterns and Dynamics in Magnetic Elements and in Condensed Matter

Scientific Coordinators: Radu Ignat, Stavros Komineas, Nikos Papanicolaou
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

FFLO-Phase in Quantum Liquids, Quantum Gases, and Nuclear Matter

Scientific Coordinators: Alexander Buzdin, Matthias Eschrig, Jochen Wosnitza
Organisation: Amy WrightRead more

Strong Correlations and the Normal State of the High Temperature Superconductors

Scientific Coordinators: Andrey Chubukov, Bernhard Keimer, Mohit Randeria, Suchitra Sebastian
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Focus Workshop

Prospects and Limitations of Electronic Structure Imaging by Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

Scientific Coordinators: Satoshi Kera, Stephan Kümmel, Achim Schöll
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more
Seminar and Workshop

Two-Phase Continuum Models for Geophysical Particle-Fluid Flows

Scientific Coordinators: Gregory Bewley, Jim McElwaine, Alexandre Valance
Organisation: Maria de HaasRead more

Topological Phenomena in Novel Quantum Matter: Laboratory Realization of Relativistic Fermions and Spin Liquids

Scientific Coordinators: Collin Broholm, Masaki Oshikawa, Achim Rosch
Organisation: Amy WrightRead more