Information Processing, Noise, and Adaptation in Living Systems

International Workshop
15 - 19 April 2024

Living systems have to reliably sense, process and adapt to a multitude of cues in dynamic and noisy environments. Accurate information processing is instrumental for establishing robust cellular function and occurs on a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. How biological systems execute these operations is a fundamental open question with implications for our understanding of biological and artificial bio-inspired systems. In the past two decades, experimental developments have enabled substantial progress in elucidating the principles of information processing in living organisms. These advances inspired, in turn, significant theoretical work across different fields and communities. This workshop aims at combining ideas from physics, biology, computer science, and engineering to lay the groundwork for a common conceptual framework of biological information processing.

Topics include

  • Information processing
  • Noise
  • Fluctuations
  • Adaptation
  • Signalling networks
  • Stochastic reaction networks
  • Signal transduction
  • Decision-making
  • Cell-cell communication
  • Learning
  • Collective behaviour
  • Information thermodynamics

Confirmed invited speakers

K. Alim (DE)
A. Celani (IT)
P. de los Rios (CH)
T. Emonet (US)
A. Hilfinger (CA)
R.J. Johnston (US)
H. Koeppl (DE)
A. Levchenko (US)
M. Louis (US)
A. Mugler (US)
I. Nemenman (US)
P.R. ten Wolde (NL)
G. Tkacik (AT)
Y. Tu (US)

Scientific Coordinators

Naama Barkai

(Rehovot, IL)

Daniel Maria Busiello

(Dresden, DE)

Christoph Zechner

(Dresden, DE)


Claudia Domaschke

(MPI-PKS Dresden)


Applications are welcome and should be made by using the application form. Applications received before 5th February 2024are considered preferentially. The number of attendees is limited.

The registration fee for the international workshop is 200 Euro and should be paid by all participants.

Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.

Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses.

apply now!

Scientific Program

The preliminary program is available now.




How to reach us


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