New Trends in Nonequilibrium Many-Body Systems: Methods and Concepts

International Workshop
1 - 5 August 2022

This workshop provides a platform for researchers working in the field of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics, with a strong focus on theoretical and computational approaches. Since we lack a universally powerful method for the theoretical study of nonequilibrium states in interacting many-body systems, it is important to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds to discuss the potential and limitations of existing techniques, explore new applications for these methods, and learn about recently emerging ideas and experimental developments.  We hope to stimulate a lively exchange also about technical aspects, which will result in a deeper understanding of the numerical challenges and the reliability of approximate schemes.

Topics include

  • Theoretical techniques for nonequilibrium quantum systems
  • DMFT, QMC, tensor network, DFT, semiclassical methods etc.
  • Dynamical effects in many-body systems
  • Floquet systems
  • Higher-harmonic generation & chirality in current-carrying systems
  • Electron-phonon coupled systems
  • Ultra-fast Dynamics and Recent experimental progress

Invited speakers

M. Aidelsburger (DE)
D. Bossini (DE)
U. Bovensiepen (DE)
G. Cohen (IL)
M. Eckstein (DE)
A. Feiguin (US)
D. Golez (SI)
E. Gull (US)
J. Joost (DE)
S. Kehrein (DE)
S. Latini (DE)
T. Morimoto (JP)
Y. Murakami (JP)
A. Polkovnikov (US)
F. Pollmann (DE)
M. Reutzel (DE)
M. Sentef (DE)
R. Shimano (JP)
G. Stefanucci (IT)


This event is supported by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) via CRC 1073.

Scientific Coordinators

Fabian Heidrich-Meisner
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

Takashi Oka
The University of Tokyo, Japan

Philipp Werner
Université de Fribourg, Switzerland


Maria Voigt
(MPI-PKS Dresden, Germany)


The call for applications is closed.

Scientific Program

The scientific program is online.


How to reach us


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