Quantum Dynamics

Quantum Dynamics Meetings in 2025

mainly Thursday 16:30 – 17:30 / seminar room 1D1 or guest house terrace, mpipks

datespeakertitleinvited by
19 February 2025Dr. Wolfgang Quapp
(University of Leipzig, Germany)
Potential Energy Surfaces, Newton Trajectories and Catch Bonds
in Theoretical Chemistry 
H-H Chuang
20 February 2025Prof. Thomas Gorin
(Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico)
tbaA Eisfeld

previous seminars:

datespeakertitleinvited by
11 January 2024Dr. Islaem Lucas de Paiva
(University of Bristol, UK)
Energy measurements and non-unitarity in relational dynamics/i>M Eiles
8 February 2024Dr. Xinyu Luo
(MPI of Quantum Optics, Germany)
Microwave-shielded polar molecules: from ultracold chemistry to quantum matterM Eiles
22 February 2024Prof. Roman Curik
(J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry,
Czech Republic)
Indirect dissociative recombination of cold molecular ionsM Eiles
11 April 2024Dr. Tomislav Begušić
(California Institute of Technology,
Efficient simulations of quantum dynamics in the Heisenberg pictureM Eiles
18 April 2024Dr. Seth Rittenhouse
(United States Naval Academy,
Multi-Photon Rydberg states in a Microwave Cavity and Rydberg Assisted Sympathetic CoolingM Eiles
13 June 2024Dr. Clara Wanjura
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Light,
Physical Learning MachinesM Eiles
27 June 2024Dr. Matthias Kübel (Friedrich-Schiller University, Germany)Controlling and imaging ultrafast quantum dynamics using tailored laser fieldsJM Rost
4 July 2024Dr. Basile Curchod (University of Bristol, UK)Building a hierarchy of methods for nonadiabatic molecular dynamics based on the multiple-spawning frameworkM Eiles
25 July 2024Prof. Roman Krems (The University of British Columbia, CA)Can quantum computing enhance machine learning and if yes, how?JM Rost
1 August 2024Nina Stiesdal (University of Bonn)Quantum optics with Rydberg superatomsM Eiles
datespeakertitleinvited by
22 March 2023Prof. Sophya Garashchuk
(University of South Carolina)
Factorized Electron-Nuclear Dynamics with an Effective Complex Potential                                                                        M Eiles
29 March 2023Dr. Vardha Srinivasan
(IISER Bhopal)
Rationalizing the Unexpected Sensitivity in Excited State Lifetimes of Adenine to Tautomerization by Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics                                                                        A Eisfeld
12 April 2023Dr. Luis A. Peña Ardila
(Leipniz University Hannover)
Induced interaction between ionic polarons in condensates                                                                      M Eiles
26 April 2023Dr. Axel Pelster
(Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische
Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau)
On the Theoretical Description of Photon Bose-Einstein Condensates                                                                     F Großmann
3 May 2023Dr. Rick Mukherjee
(University of Hamburg)
Machine Learning on Rydberg PlatformsM Eiles
10 May 2023Ieva Čepaitė
(University of Strathclyde)
Counterdiabatic Optimised Local Driving M Eiles
25 May 2023Prof. Sandro Wimberger
(Parma University)
Floquet Engineering of Counterdiabtic DrivingM Eiles
1 June 2023Mr. Matteo Ciardi
(University of Florence)
Having a ball with bosons (introduction to PIMC)M Eiles
21 June 2023Prof. Edvardas Narevicius
(TU Dortmund)
Collisions with Cold Molecules: Tomography of Feshbach resonancesM Eiles
28 June 2023Dr. Jonathan Dubois
(Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Matière Rayonnement, Paris)
Feshbach-Fano formalism within the strong-field approximationA Eisfeld
13 July 2023Prof. John Stuart Briggs (Universität Freiburg)Making waves: Propagation in optics and quantum mechanicsA Eisfeld
20 July 2023Prof. Ramy El-Ganainy (Michigan Technological University)Universality of light thermalization in multimode nonlinear optical systemsA Eisfeld
27 July 2023Prof. Thomas Gorin (University of Guadalajara)Quantum processes with non-unitary gates for solving optimization problemsA Eisfeld
9 November 2023Dr. Marcel Reginatto  (Physical-technical federal institute - PTB, Berlin)Hybrid classical-quantum systems in the approach of ensembles on configuration space A Eisfeld
16 November 2023Dr. Dominik Lentrodt   (University of Freiburg)From the Jaynes-Cummings model to few-mode theory of lossy resonatorsM Eiles
datespeakertitleinvited by
18 May 2022Stasis Chuchurka
DESY Hamburg
Stochastic methodology for light-matter interactionF Grossmann
29 June 2022Foudhil Bouakline
University of Potsdam
On the role of nuclear-spin statistics in quantum molecular dynamicsF Grossmann
20 July 2022Joonsuk Huh
A fast quantum algorithm for computing matrix permanentF Grossmann

All seminars take place within the group meetings.

datespeakertitleinvited by
19 February 2020Juan-Diego Urbina
Universität Regensburg
Periodic orbit theory of spectral fluctuations in exactly solvable systems: the mesoscopic Bethe ansatzF Grossmann
26 February 2020Tillmann Klamroth
Universität Potsdam
Simulations of laser- and STM-induced processes at surfacesA Eisfeld



Programm - 2019

datespeakertitleinvited by
30 January 2019Stephan Götzinger
MPL Erlangen
Efficient generation and manipulation of photons with single moleculesA Eisfeld
13 March 2019Moritz Sokolowski
Universität Bonn
Organic molecules observed on surfaces by optical spectroscopy A Eisfeld
08 May 2019

Robert Binder
Universität Frankfurt

Semiconducting Organic Polymers: Potentials and Quantum DynamicsF Grossmann
19 June 2019Sergey Antipov
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
On cellularization of the semiclassical Herman-Kluk propagatorF Grossmann
26 June 2019Johannes Deiglmayr
University of Leipzig - Felix-Bloch-Institute
Long-range Rydberg molecules - Understanding and harnessing angular-momentum couplingsA Eisfeld
03 July 2019

Celso Ricardo
MPI Halle

Sticking coefficient for atoms scattering off metallic surfacesA Eisfeld
18 December 2019Jan Wiersig
Universität Magdeburg
Non-Hermiticity in optical microcavities and other open systemsA Eisfeld

Program - 2017

datespeakertitleinvited by
22 February 2017Alejandro Giacomotti
CNRS Paris Sud 
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_giacomotti.html>Photon Statistics and non-equilibrium dynamics in photonic crystal coupled nanolasersA Eisfeld
21 JuneStefanie Gräfe
Universität Jena
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of IR-driven electron dynamics in a charge transfer model systemF Grossmann
19 JulyVladimir Osipov
Lund University
Phase modulation spectroscopy with high repetition rate pulses and accumulation effectsA Eisfeld
09 AugustYi-Jen Cheng
DESY Hamburg
Light-induced ultrafast tunneling dynamics of a many-electron system: from weak to strong fieldsJM Rost
06 SeptemberChristian Marquardt
Universität Bonn
Optical spectroscopy of large organic molecules on insulating surfacesA Eisfeld
11 OctoberTiago Buckup
Universität Heidelberg
Multimodal time-resolved impulsive vibrational spectroscopiesA Eisfeld
01 NovemberThierry Jecko
On the mathematical treatment of the Born-Oppenheimer approximationF Grossmann

Program - 2016

Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks


datespeakertitleinvited by
10 March 2016Perttu Luukko
University of Jyväskylä
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_luukko.html>Strong quantum scarring by local impuritiesJM Rost
16 March Rudolf Bratschitsch
Universität Münster
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_bratschitsch.html>Atomically thin semiconductors light upA Croy
12 April Andrey Kolovsky
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_kolovsky.html>Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian: Quantum chaos approachJM Rost
25 MayMichael Walter
Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_michaelwalter.pdf>Accurate spectroscopic fingerprints obtained from density functional theoryA Eisfeld
15 JuneArend Dijkstra
MPSD, Hamburg
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_dijkstra.pdf>Shining light on large molecular complexesA Eisfeld
22 JuneGerhard Birkl
TU Darmstadt
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_birkl.html>Single-site addressable architecture for quantum information and
quantum simulation with more than 100 Qubits
A Eisfeld
24 AugustShabir Barzanjeh
Inst. of Science and Technology, Austria
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_shabir.html>Phonon Josephson junction with nanomechanical resonatorsA Croy
21 SeptemberEvgeni A. Solov'ev
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_solovev.html>Dynamical adiabatic theory of atomic collisionsJM Rost
28 SeptemberSebastian Wüster
Bilkent University Ankara
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_seb.html>Non-Hermitian matter wave mixing in Bose Einstein condensates: dissipation induced amplificationA Eisfeld
05 OctoberAaron LaForge
Universität Freiburg
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_laforge.html>Intermolecular processes in weakly-bound systemsA Eisfeld
19 OctoberMarco Ornigotti
Universität Jena
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_ornigotti.html>The angular momentum of light: Physics and applicationsT Pohl
01 NovemberSergei D. Ivanov
Universität Rostock
<link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_sergeiivanov.html>On the applicability of the Caldeira-Leggett model and X-ray spectroscopy from a time-domain perspective/td>F Grossmann

Program - 2015

Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks

datespeakertitleinvited by
25 February 2015David Gross
Universität Freiburg
Quantum physics and big dataA Eisfeld
03 June 2015Jürgen Hauer
TU Wien
Vibrational-excitonic coupling in supramolecular aggregatesA Eisfeld
08 July 2015Yang Zhao
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Davydov states for energy transfer dynamics in light harvesting systemsA Eisfeld
22 July 2015Ilja Gerhardt
MPI für Festkörperforschung Stuttgart
Single emitters - from microscopy and sensing to quantum opticsJ Götte
27 July 2015Klemens Hammerer
Universität Hannover
Quantum optomechanics and hybrid systemsS Wüster
21 October 2015Jan Roden
Berkeley University
Energy transport in a photosynthetic complexA Eisfeld
04 November 2015Jochen Mikosch
MBI Berlin
Dynamics of molecules in intense and attosecond laser fieldsA Eisfeld
02 December 2015Sigmund Kohler
Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interferometry with double quantum dotsF Grossmann
16 December 2015Denys Bondar
Princeton University
Measurement inspired modeling of quantum and classical dynamical systemsS Landsman

Program - 2014

Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks

datespeakertitleinvited by
15 January 2014Michele Ceotto
Università degli Studi di Milano
Ab initio semiclassical molecular dynamics for CPU and GPU hardwareA Eisfeld
14 May 2014Karol Nass
Universität Heidelberg
Radiation damage in serial femtosecond macromolecuar crystallography at the X-ray laser U Saalmann
28 May 2014David Andrews
University of East Anglia
The role of virtual photons in nanoscale photonicsJ Götte
04 June 2014Ramy El-Ganainy
Michigan Technology University
Parity-time reversal (PT) symmetry in opticsA Eisfeld
10 July 2014Andrea Aiello
MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen
Classical entanglementJ Götte
16 July 2014John Briggs
Universität Freiburg
Quantum entanglement with classical oscillatorsA Eisfeld
30 July 2014Jürgen Köhler
Universität Bayreuth
Optical spectroscopy of singly photosynthetic antenna complexesA Eisfeld
15 October 2014Antoine Browaeys
CNRS, Palaiseau
Experimental investigations of the resonant dipole-dipole interaction between cold Rydberg atomsA Eisfeld
05 November 2014Vittorio Peano
Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg
Tailoring the flow of light and sound in an optomechanical arrayS Wüster
17 December 2014Maxim Gelin
TU München
Strong-field effects in molecular spectroscopyF Grossmann

Program - 2013/2014

Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks

datespeakertitleinvited by
23 January 2013Marcel Mudrich
Uni Freiburg
Photodynamics of doped helium nanodropletsF Grossmann
12 June 2013Alexander Croy
Chalmers University Goeteborg
Generation of non-classical states and entanglement in quantum nanomechanical systemsU Saalmann
3 July 2013Sandro Wimberger
Uni Heidelberg
News from the (quantum) kicked rotorF Grossmann
27 September 2013Aaron LaForge
Uni Freiburg
Collective autoionization in multiply-excited systems:
A novel ionization process observed in Helium nanodroplets
U Saalmann
17 October 2013Lothar Mühlbacher
Uni Freiburg
Contacted quantum dots: From transient dynamics to stationary nonequilibriumF Grossmann
30 October 2013Moritz Sokolowski
Uni Bonn
Fluorescence spectroscopy of molecules on surfaces: Diffusion, site selection and aggregationA Eisfeld
6 November 2013Alexander Szameit
Uni Jena
Superballistic transport and anomalous diffusion in inhomogeneous latticesA Eisfeld


Program - 2012

Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks

datespeakertitleinvited by
4 January 2012Holger Cartarius
Uni Stuttgart
Imaginary time Gaussian dynamics of rare gas clusters and its first-order correctionF Grossmann
25 January 2012Roberta Zambrini
Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca
Quantum SynchronizationT Pohl
29 February 2012Richard Taieb
UPMC Paris
Measurement and control of photoionization delaysU Saalmann
21 March 2012Sebastian Hofferberth
Universität Stuttgart
Hollow fibers and Rydberg atoms - Novel approaches to few-photon optical nonlinearitiesT Pohl
28 March 2012Massimo Boninsegni
University of Alberta
Bose statistics, crystallization and quantum jammingT Pohl
4 April 2012Mark Dennis
University of Bristol
Knotting nodes of lightJ Götte
11 July 2012Yoshitaka Tanimura
Kyoto University
Reduced hierarchy equations of motion approach to Multidimensional SpectroscopiesF Grossmann

Program - 2011

Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks


datespeakertitleinvited by
08 April 2011Nina Rohringer
CFEL Hamburg
Quantum optics in the x-ray regime explored with XFEL sourcesJM Rost
15 April 2011Laurent Bonnet
Bordeaux University
From semiclassical to classical reaction dynamics in a quantum spiritF Grossmann
27 May 2011Klaus Møller
TU Denmark
Femtochemistry: Theory and simulationF Grossmann
1 June 2011Matthew Jones
Durham University
Many-body physics with cold Rydberg gasesT Pohl
22 June 2011Shannon Whitlock
Uni Heidelberg
Controlling interactions and 1D spin motion in a quantum gasS Wüster
4 October 2011Klaus Bartschat
Drake University, Des Moines, IA
Single and double ionization of atoms and molecules by short-pulse intense laser fields and charged-particle impactJM Rost
13 October 2011Alexander GorshkovQuantum magnetism with polar molecules: Tunable generalized t-J modelT Pohl
26 October 2011Jose Castro
Rice University
Collective effects in ultracold neutral plasmasT Pohl
30 November 2011Eleftherios Goulielmakis
MPQ Garching
Attosecond physics with field-synthesized light waveformsU Saalmann
14 December 2011Philip Walther
Universität Wien
Photonic entanglement for quantum computation and quantum simulationT Pohl
21 December 2011Dirk Gericke
Universität of Warwick
Properties of warm dense matter and application to X-ray scatteringT Pohl


Program - fall/winter 2010/2011

Friday 14:30 - 15:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks

datespeakertitleinvited by
15 October 2010Stefan Rotter
Vienna University of Technology
Generating paricle-like scattering states in wave transportK Hornberger
22 October 2010Maximilian Schlosshauer
University of Copenhagen
What classicality? Decoherence and Bohr's classical conceptsK Hornberger
29 October 2010Eric Lutz
University of Augsburg
Thermodynamics on the nanoscaleK Hornberger
05 November 2010Tobias Kramer
University of Regensburg
Self-consistent transport of interacting electrons in magnetic fieldsF Grossmann
19 November 2010Malte Kaluza
Helmholtz Institut Jena
Spectral shaping of laser-generated ion pulsesStefan Skupin
03 December 2010Tomas Mancal
Charles University Prague
Non-linear spectroscopy and master equations: Do they like each other?A Eisfeld
17 December 2010Oleg Egorov
Universität Jena
Intracavity polariton solitonsS Skupin
07 January 2011Zoltan Donko
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Molecular dynamics simulations of strongly coupled plasmasU Saalmann
14 January 2011Sandro Wimberger
Universität Heidelberg
Fidelity of quasi-resonantly kicked atomsK Hornberger
21 January 2011Gediminas Juzeliunas
Vilnius University
Light-induced gauge potentials for ultracold atomsF Zimmer
4 February 2011Stefan Scheel
Imperial College London
Atom-surface interactions in thermal nonequilibriumK Hornberger
11 February 2011Wolfgang Domcke
TU Munich
Conical intersections and photostability of the building blocks of lifeA Eisfeld


Program - spring/summer 2010

Friday 14:30 - 15:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks

datespeakertitleinvited by
26 February 2010Jörg Evers
MPI für Kernphysik Heidelberg
X-ray single photon entanglement via coherent control of collective nuclear dynamicsAlex Eisfeld
19 March 2010Heinz Peter Breuer
Universität Freiburg
Memory and information flow in open quantum systemsKlaus Hornberger
26 March 2010Carsten Henkel
Universität Potsdam
QED near a surface: Status and questionsK Hornberger
1 April 2010Raffaele Borrelli
University of Salerno, Italy
Quantum dynamics of early electron transfer processes in bacterial photosynthesisAlex Eisfeld
9 April 2010Tobias Brandes
TU Berlin
Control of counting statistics for transport through quantum dotsU Saalmann
16 April 2010Robert van Leeuwen
University Jyväskylä, Finland
Time-dependent quantum transport through interacting systems using the Kadanoff-Baym equationsU Saalmann
30 April 2010Guido Pupillo
University of Innsbruck
Quantum phases of cold polar molecules in 2D optical latticesT Pohl
7 May 2010Michael Fleischhauer
Universität Kaiserslautern
Single- and many-body physics with heavy photonsK Hornberger
4 June 2010Jörg Tatchen
Universität Düsseldorf
Direct semiclassical dynamics: Joining frozen Gaussian propagators and quantum chemistryF Grossmann
K Hornberger
2 July 2010Javier Madronero
TU München
Complexity and coherence in atomic few-body systemsK Hornberger
9 July 2010Reinhold Fink
Universität Würzburg
Quantum chemical protocols for key processes in organic solar cellsA Eisfeld
30 July 2010Hendrik Ulbricht
University Southampton
Molecule interferenceK Hornberger


Program - 2009

Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS

datespeakertitleinvited by
21 January 2009Julius Su
Simulation of large-scale excited electron dynamicsJM Rost
28 January 2009Michael Mundt
Weizmann Institute
Quantum control of interacting particles: a MCTDHF-approachFrank Grossmann
28 January 2009IMPRS Seminar
25 February 2009IMPRS Seminar
18 March 2009IMPRS Seminar
23 AprilSterling Garmon
Niels Bohr Inst. Copenhagen
Low dimensional phenomena in semiconductor nanowires including bound states in continuum, quasi-bound states in continuum and Fano interferenceJan M Rost
6 May 2009IMPRS Seminar
20 May 2009Florian MintertSemiclassical simulation of open quantum systemsFrank Grossmann
27 May 2009IMPRS Seminar
24 June 2009IMPRS Seminar
11 November 2009
11 a.m.
Frank Steiner, University Ulm Exact Gutzwiller trace formula for an infinite quantum graphjoint seminar with Mesoscopic Systems
12 November 2009IMPRS Seminar
25 November 2009Workshop on Atomic Physics
9 December 2009IMPRS Seminar

Program - spring/summer 2008

Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS

datespeakertitleinvited by
19 March 2008IMPRS Seminar
26 March 2008Bruno Lepetit
IRSAMC, Toulouse
Conical intersections and geometric phases in molecular systemsUlrich Galster
16 April 2008IMPRS Seminar
7 May 2008IMPRS Seminar
11 June 2008IMPRS Seminar
18 June 2008Piero Decleva
Università di Trieste
Photoionization dynamics in molecules by DFT and TDDFT approachUlf Saalmann
9 July 2008Qijin Chen
University of Chicago
Superfluidity in ultracold atomic Fermi gasesJM Rost
17 SeptemberVladimir A Mandelshtam
University of California, Irvine
Quantum transitions in Lennard-Jones clustersJM Rost
26 NovemberWorkshop on Atomic Physics
3 DecemberAmelle Zair
CELIA, France
Quantum path interference in atomic high order harmonic generationSt. Skupin
17 DecemberLuc Bergé
CEA, Ile de France
Ultrafast filaments of lightSt. Skupin

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems  |  Nöthnitzer Straße 38, 01187 Dresden  |  fon: +49(351)871-2204  |  fax: +49(351)871-2299