mainly Thursday 16:30 – 17:30 / seminar room 1D1 or guest house terrace, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
19 February 2025 | Dr. Wolfgang Quapp (University of Leipzig, Germany) | Potential Energy Surfaces, Newton Trajectories and Catch Bonds in Theoretical Chemistry | H-H Chuang |
20 February 2025 | Prof. Thomas Gorin (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico) | tba | A Eisfeld |
date | speaker | title | invited by |
11 January 2024 | Dr. Islaem Lucas de Paiva (University of Bristol, UK) | Energy measurements and non-unitarity in relational dynamics/i> | M Eiles |
8 February 2024 | Dr. Xinyu Luo (MPI of Quantum Optics, Germany) | Microwave-shielded polar molecules: from ultracold chemistry to quantum matter | M Eiles |
22 February 2024 | Prof. Roman Curik (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Republic) | Indirect dissociative recombination of cold molecular ions | M Eiles |
11 April 2024 | Dr. Tomislav Begušić (California Institute of Technology, USA) | Efficient simulations of quantum dynamics in the Heisenberg picture | M Eiles |
18 April 2024 | Dr. Seth Rittenhouse (United States Naval Academy, USA) | Multi-Photon Rydberg states in a Microwave Cavity and Rydberg Assisted Sympathetic Cooling | M Eiles |
13 June 2024 | Dr. Clara Wanjura (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Light, Germany) | Physical Learning Machines | M Eiles |
27 June 2024 | Dr. Matthias Kübel (Friedrich-Schiller University, Germany) | Controlling and imaging ultrafast quantum dynamics using tailored laser fields | JM Rost |
4 July 2024 | Dr. Basile Curchod (University of Bristol, UK) | Building a hierarchy of methods for nonadiabatic molecular dynamics based on the multiple-spawning framework | M Eiles |
25 July 2024 | Prof. Roman Krems (The University of British Columbia, CA) | Can quantum computing enhance machine learning and if yes, how? | JM Rost |
1 August 2024 | Nina Stiesdal (University of Bonn) | Quantum optics with Rydberg superatoms | M Eiles |
date | speaker | title | invited by |
22 March 2023 | Prof. Sophya Garashchuk (University of South Carolina) | Factorized Electron-Nuclear Dynamics with an Effective Complex Potential | M Eiles |
29 March 2023 | Dr. Vardha Srinivasan (IISER Bhopal) | Rationalizing the Unexpected Sensitivity in Excited State Lifetimes of Adenine to Tautomerization by Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics | A Eisfeld |
12 April 2023 | Dr. Luis A. Peña Ardila (Leipniz University Hannover) | Induced interaction between ionic polarons in condensates | M Eiles |
26 April 2023 | Dr. Axel Pelster (Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau) | On the Theoretical Description of Photon Bose-Einstein Condensates | F Großmann |
3 May 2023 | Dr. Rick Mukherjee (University of Hamburg) | Machine Learning on Rydberg Platforms | M Eiles |
10 May 2023 | Ieva Čepaitė (University of Strathclyde) | Counterdiabatic Optimised Local Driving | M Eiles |
25 May 2023 | Prof. Sandro Wimberger (Parma University) | Floquet Engineering of Counterdiabtic Driving | M Eiles |
1 June 2023 | Mr. Matteo Ciardi (University of Florence) | Having a ball with bosons (introduction to PIMC) | M Eiles |
21 June 2023 | Prof. Edvardas Narevicius (TU Dortmund) | Collisions with Cold Molecules: Tomography of Feshbach resonances | M Eiles |
28 June 2023 | Dr. Jonathan Dubois (Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Matière Rayonnement, Paris) | Feshbach-Fano formalism within the strong-field approximation | A Eisfeld |
13 July 2023 | Prof. John Stuart Briggs (Universität Freiburg) | Making waves: Propagation in optics and quantum mechanics | A Eisfeld |
20 July 2023 | Prof. Ramy El-Ganainy (Michigan Technological University) | Universality of light thermalization in multimode nonlinear optical systems | A Eisfeld |
27 July 2023 | Prof. Thomas Gorin (University of Guadalajara) | Quantum processes with non-unitary gates for solving optimization problems | A Eisfeld |
9 November 2023 | Dr. Marcel Reginatto (Physical-technical federal institute - PTB, Berlin) | Hybrid classical-quantum systems in the approach of ensembles on configuration space | A Eisfeld |
16 November 2023 | Dr. Dominik Lentrodt (University of Freiburg) | From the Jaynes-Cummings model to few-mode theory of lossy resonators | M Eiles |
date | speaker | title | invited by |
18 May 2022 | Stasis Chuchurka DESY Hamburg | Stochastic methodology for light-matter interaction | F Grossmann |
29 June 2022 | Foudhil Bouakline University of Potsdam | On the role of nuclear-spin statistics in quantum molecular dynamics | F Grossmann |
20 July 2022 | Joonsuk Huh SKKU | A fast quantum algorithm for computing matrix permanent | F Grossmann |
All seminars take place within the group meetings.
date | speaker | title | invited by |
19 February 2020 | Juan-Diego Urbina Universität Regensburg | Periodic orbit theory of spectral fluctuations in exactly solvable systems: the mesoscopic Bethe ansatz | F Grossmann |
26 February 2020 | Tillmann Klamroth Universität Potsdam | Simulations of laser- and STM-induced processes at surfaces | A Eisfeld |
date | speaker | title | invited by |
30 January 2019 | Stephan Götzinger MPL Erlangen | Efficient generation and manipulation of photons with single molecules | A Eisfeld |
13 March 2019 | Moritz Sokolowski Universität Bonn | Organic molecules observed on surfaces by optical spectroscopy | A Eisfeld |
08 May 2019 | Robert Binder | Semiconducting Organic Polymers: Potentials and Quantum Dynamics | F Grossmann |
19 June 2019 | Sergey Antipov University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic | On cellularization of the semiclassical Herman-Kluk propagator | F Grossmann |
26 June 2019 | Johannes Deiglmayr University of Leipzig - Felix-Bloch-Institute | Long-range Rydberg molecules - Understanding and harnessing angular-momentum couplings | A Eisfeld |
03 July 2019 | Celso Ricardo | Sticking coefficient for atoms scattering off metallic surfaces | A Eisfeld |
18 December 2019 | Jan Wiersig Universität Magdeburg | Non-Hermiticity in optical microcavities and other open systems | A Eisfeld |
date | speaker | title | invited by |
22 February 2017 | Alejandro Giacomotti CNRS Paris Sud | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_giacomotti.html>Photon Statistics and non-equilibrium dynamics in photonic crystal coupled nanolasers | A Eisfeld |
21 June | Stefanie Gräfe Universität Jena | Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of IR-driven electron dynamics in a charge transfer model system | F Grossmann |
19 July | Vladimir Osipov Lund University | Phase modulation spectroscopy with high repetition rate pulses and accumulation effects | A Eisfeld |
09 August | Yi-Jen Cheng DESY Hamburg | Light-induced ultrafast tunneling dynamics of a many-electron system: from weak to strong fields | JM Rost |
06 September | Christian Marquardt Universität Bonn | Optical spectroscopy of large organic molecules on insulating surfaces | A Eisfeld |
11 October | Tiago Buckup Universität Heidelberg | Multimodal time-resolved impulsive vibrational spectroscopies | A Eisfeld |
01 November | Thierry Jecko CNRS, FR | On the mathematical treatment of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation | F Grossmann |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
10 March 2016 | Perttu Luukko University of Jyväskylä | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_luukko.html>Strong quantum scarring by local impurities | JM Rost |
16 March | Rudolf Bratschitsch Universität Münster | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_bratschitsch.html>Atomically thin semiconductors light up | A Croy |
12 April | Andrey Kolovsky Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_kolovsky.html>Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian: Quantum chaos approach | JM Rost |
25 May | Michael Walter Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_michaelwalter.pdf>Accurate spectroscopic fingerprints obtained from density functional theory | A Eisfeld |
15 June | Arend Dijkstra MPSD, Hamburg | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_dijkstra.pdf>Shining light on large molecular complexes | A Eisfeld |
22 June | Gerhard Birkl TU Darmstadt | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_birkl.html>Single-site addressable architecture for quantum information and quantum simulation with more than 100 Qubits | A Eisfeld |
24 August | Shabir Barzanjeh Inst. of Science and Technology, Austria | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_shabir.html>Phonon Josephson junction with nanomechanical resonators | A Croy |
21 September | Evgeni A. Solov'ev BLTR JINR Dubna | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_solovev.html>Dynamical adiabatic theory of atomic collisions | JM Rost |
28 September | Sebastian Wüster Bilkent University Ankara | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_seb.html>Non-Hermitian matter wave mixing in Bose Einstein condensates: dissipation induced amplification | A Eisfeld |
05 October | Aaron LaForge Universität Freiburg | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_laforge.html>Intermolecular processes in weakly-bound systems | A Eisfeld |
19 October | Marco Ornigotti Universität Jena | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_ornigotti.html>The angular momentum of light: Physics and applications | T Pohl |
01 November | Sergei D. Ivanov Universität Rostock | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_sergeiivanov.html>On the applicability of the Caldeira-Leggett model and X-ray spectroscopy from a time-domain perspective/td> | F Grossmann |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
25 February 2015 | David Gross Universität Freiburg | Quantum physics and big data | A Eisfeld |
03 June 2015 | Jürgen Hauer TU Wien | Vibrational-excitonic coupling in supramolecular aggregates | A Eisfeld |
08 July 2015 | Yang Zhao Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | Davydov states for energy transfer dynamics in light harvesting systems | A Eisfeld |
22 July 2015 | Ilja Gerhardt MPI für Festkörperforschung Stuttgart | Single emitters - from microscopy and sensing to quantum optics | J Götte |
27 July 2015 | Klemens Hammerer Universität Hannover | Quantum optomechanics and hybrid systems | S Wüster |
21 October 2015 | Jan Roden Berkeley University | Energy transport in a photosynthetic complex | A Eisfeld |
04 November 2015 | Jochen Mikosch MBI Berlin | Dynamics of molecules in intense and attosecond laser fields | A Eisfeld |
02 December 2015 | Sigmund Kohler ICMM-CSIC Madrid | Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interferometry with double quantum dots | F Grossmann |
16 December 2015 | Denys Bondar Princeton University | Measurement inspired modeling of quantum and classical dynamical systems | S Landsman |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
15 January 2014 | Michele Ceotto Università degli Studi di Milano | Ab initio semiclassical molecular dynamics for CPU and GPU hardware | A Eisfeld |
14 May 2014 | Karol Nass Universität Heidelberg | Radiation damage in serial femtosecond macromolecuar crystallography at the X-ray laser | U Saalmann |
28 May 2014 | David Andrews University of East Anglia | The role of virtual photons in nanoscale photonics | J Götte |
04 June 2014 | Ramy El-Ganainy Michigan Technology University | Parity-time reversal (PT) symmetry in optics | A Eisfeld |
10 July 2014 | Andrea Aiello MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen | Classical entanglement | J Götte |
16 July 2014 | John Briggs Universität Freiburg | Quantum entanglement with classical oscillators | A Eisfeld |
30 July 2014 | Jürgen Köhler Universität Bayreuth | Optical spectroscopy of singly photosynthetic antenna complexes | A Eisfeld |
15 October 2014 | Antoine Browaeys CNRS, Palaiseau | Experimental investigations of the resonant dipole-dipole interaction between cold Rydberg atoms | A Eisfeld |
05 November 2014 | Vittorio Peano Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg | Tailoring the flow of light and sound in an optomechanical array | S Wüster |
17 December 2014 | Maxim Gelin TU München | Strong-field effects in molecular spectroscopy | F Grossmann |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
23 January 2013 | Marcel Mudrich Uni Freiburg | Photodynamics of doped helium nanodroplets | F Grossmann |
12 June 2013 | Alexander Croy Chalmers University Goeteborg | Generation of non-classical states and entanglement in quantum nanomechanical systems | U Saalmann |
3 July 2013 | Sandro Wimberger Uni Heidelberg | News from the (quantum) kicked rotor | F Grossmann |
27 September 2013 | Aaron LaForge Uni Freiburg | Collective autoionization in multiply-excited systems: A novel ionization process observed in Helium nanodroplets | U Saalmann |
17 October 2013 | Lothar Mühlbacher Uni Freiburg | Contacted quantum dots: From transient dynamics to stationary nonequilibrium | F Grossmann |
30 October 2013 | Moritz Sokolowski Uni Bonn | Fluorescence spectroscopy of molecules on surfaces: Diffusion, site selection and aggregation | A Eisfeld |
6 November 2013 | Alexander Szameit Uni Jena | Superballistic transport and anomalous diffusion in inhomogeneous lattices | A Eisfeld |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
4 January 2012 | Holger Cartarius Uni Stuttgart | Imaginary time Gaussian dynamics of rare gas clusters and its first-order correction | F Grossmann |
25 January 2012 | Roberta Zambrini Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca | Quantum Synchronization | T Pohl |
29 February 2012 | Richard Taieb UPMC Paris | Measurement and control of photoionization delays | U Saalmann |
21 March 2012 | Sebastian Hofferberth Universität Stuttgart | Hollow fibers and Rydberg atoms - Novel approaches to few-photon optical nonlinearities | T Pohl |
28 March 2012 | Massimo Boninsegni University of Alberta | Bose statistics, crystallization and quantum jamming | T Pohl |
4 April 2012 | Mark Dennis University of Bristol | Knotting nodes of light | J Götte |
11 July 2012 | Yoshitaka Tanimura Kyoto University | Reduced hierarchy equations of motion approach to Multidimensional Spectroscopies | F Grossmann |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
08 April 2011 | Nina Rohringer CFEL Hamburg | Quantum optics in the x-ray regime explored with XFEL sources | JM Rost |
15 April 2011 | Laurent Bonnet Bordeaux University | From semiclassical to classical reaction dynamics in a quantum spirit | F Grossmann |
27 May 2011 | Klaus Møller TU Denmark | Femtochemistry: Theory and simulation | F Grossmann |
1 June 2011 | Matthew Jones Durham University | Many-body physics with cold Rydberg gases | T Pohl |
22 June 2011 | Shannon Whitlock Uni Heidelberg | Controlling interactions and 1D spin motion in a quantum gas | S Wüster |
4 October 2011 | Klaus Bartschat Drake University, Des Moines, IA | Single and double ionization of atoms and molecules by short-pulse intense laser fields and charged-particle impact | JM Rost |
13 October 2011 | Alexander Gorshkov | Quantum magnetism with polar molecules: Tunable generalized t-J model | T Pohl |
26 October 2011 | Jose Castro Rice University | Collective effects in ultracold neutral plasmas | T Pohl |
30 November 2011 | Eleftherios Goulielmakis MPQ Garching | Attosecond physics with field-synthesized light waveforms | U Saalmann |
14 December 2011 | Philip Walther Universität Wien | Photonic entanglement for quantum computation and quantum simulation | T Pohl |
21 December 2011 | Dirk Gericke Universität of Warwick | Properties of warm dense matter and application to X-ray scattering | T Pohl |
Friday 14:30 - 15:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
15 October 2010 | Stefan Rotter Vienna University of Technology | Generating paricle-like scattering states in wave transport | K Hornberger |
22 October 2010 | Maximilian Schlosshauer University of Copenhagen | What classicality? Decoherence and Bohr's classical concepts | K Hornberger |
29 October 2010 | Eric Lutz University of Augsburg | Thermodynamics on the nanoscale | K Hornberger |
05 November 2010 | Tobias Kramer University of Regensburg | Self-consistent transport of interacting electrons in magnetic fields | F Grossmann |
19 November 2010 | Malte Kaluza Helmholtz Institut Jena | Spectral shaping of laser-generated ion pulses | Stefan Skupin |
03 December 2010 | Tomas Mancal Charles University Prague | Non-linear spectroscopy and master equations: Do they like each other? | A Eisfeld |
17 December 2010 | Oleg Egorov Universität Jena | Intracavity polariton solitons | S Skupin |
07 January 2011 | Zoltan Donko Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Molecular dynamics simulations of strongly coupled plasmas | U Saalmann |
14 January 2011 | Sandro Wimberger Universität Heidelberg | Fidelity of quasi-resonantly kicked atoms | K Hornberger |
21 January 2011 | Gediminas Juzeliunas Vilnius University | Light-induced gauge potentials for ultracold atoms | F Zimmer |
4 February 2011 | Stefan Scheel Imperial College London | Atom-surface interactions in thermal nonequilibrium | K Hornberger |
11 February 2011 | Wolfgang Domcke TU Munich | Conical intersections and photostability of the building blocks of life | A Eisfeld |
Friday 14:30 - 15:30 / seminar room 1D1, mpipks
date | speaker | title | invited by |
26 February 2010 | Jörg Evers MPI für Kernphysik Heidelberg | X-ray single photon entanglement via coherent control of collective nuclear dynamics | Alex Eisfeld |
19 March 2010 | Heinz Peter Breuer Universität Freiburg | Memory and information flow in open quantum systems | Klaus Hornberger |
26 March 2010 | Carsten Henkel Universität Potsdam | QED near a surface: Status and questions | K Hornberger |
1 April 2010 | Raffaele Borrelli University of Salerno, Italy | Quantum dynamics of early electron transfer processes in bacterial photosynthesis | Alex Eisfeld |
9 April 2010 | Tobias Brandes TU Berlin | Control of counting statistics for transport through quantum dots | U Saalmann |
16 April 2010 | Robert van Leeuwen University Jyväskylä, Finland | Time-dependent quantum transport through interacting systems using the Kadanoff-Baym equations | U Saalmann |
30 April 2010 | Guido Pupillo University of Innsbruck | Quantum phases of cold polar molecules in 2D optical lattices | T Pohl |
7 May 2010 | Michael Fleischhauer Universität Kaiserslautern | Single- and many-body physics with heavy photons | K Hornberger |
4 June 2010 | Jörg Tatchen Universität Düsseldorf | Direct semiclassical dynamics: Joining frozen Gaussian propagators and quantum chemistry | F Grossmann K Hornberger |
2 July 2010 | Javier Madronero TU München | Complexity and coherence in atomic few-body systems | K Hornberger |
9 July 2010 | Reinhold Fink Universität Würzburg | Quantum chemical protocols for key processes in organic solar cells | A Eisfeld |
30 July 2010 | Hendrik Ulbricht University Southampton | Molecule interference | K Hornberger |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
21 January 2009 | Julius Su Caltech | Simulation of large-scale excited electron dynamics | JM Rost |
28 January 2009 | Michael Mundt Weizmann Institute | Quantum control of interacting particles: a MCTDHF-approach | Frank Grossmann |
28 January 2009 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
25 February 2009 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
18 March 2009 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
23 April | Sterling Garmon Niels Bohr Inst. Copenhagen | Low dimensional phenomena in semiconductor nanowires including bound states in continuum, quasi-bound states in continuum and Fano interference | Jan M Rost |
6 May 2009 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
20 May 2009 | Florian Mintert | Semiclassical simulation of open quantum systems | Frank Grossmann |
27 May 2009 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
24 June 2009 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
11 November 2009 11 a.m. | Frank Steiner, University Ulm | Exact Gutzwiller trace formula for an infinite quantum graph | joint seminar with Mesoscopic Systems |
12 November 2009 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
25 November 2009 | Workshop on Atomic Physics | ||
9 December 2009 | IMPRS Seminar |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
19 March 2008 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
26 March 2008 | Bruno Lepetit IRSAMC, Toulouse | Conical intersections and geometric phases in molecular systems | Ulrich Galster |
16 April 2008 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
7 May 2008 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
11 June 2008 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
18 June 2008 | Piero Decleva Università di Trieste | Photoionization dynamics in molecules by DFT and TDDFT approach | Ulf Saalmann |
9 July 2008 | Qijin Chen University of Chicago | Superfluidity in ultracold atomic Fermi gases | JM Rost |
17 September | Vladimir A Mandelshtam University of California, Irvine | Quantum transitions in Lennard-Jones clusters | JM Rost |
26 November | Workshop on Atomic Physics | ||
3 December | Amelle Zair CELIA, France | Quantum path interference in atomic high order harmonic generation | St. Skupin |
17 December | Luc Bergé CEA, Ile de France | Ultrafast filaments of light | St. Skupin |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
10 October 2007 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
24 October 2007 | Dmitry Shalashilin University of Leeds | Coupled coherent states. A quantum analog of classical molecular dynamics | F Grossmann |
7 November 2007 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
5 December 2007 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
12 December 2007 | Mathias Nest Universität Potsdam | Correlated quantum dynamics of electrons with multi-configurational wave functions | F Grossmann |
23 January 2008 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
20 February 2008 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
21 February 2008 | Roland Guichard Université Bordeaux | Theoretical Coulomb-Volkov approach applied to excitation and ionization for atoms induced by femtosecond laser pulses | JM Rost |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
7 March 2007 | Kiyoshi Ueda Tohoku University | Electron emission and subsequent fragmentation of molecules in intense laser fields | JM Rost |
14 March 2007 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
28 March 2007 | Andreas Ruschhaupt TU Braunschweig | The Atom Diode and other laser-based control devices for cold atoms | A Buchleitner |
2 April 2007 | Stefan Skupin CEA/DAM Ile de France | On the dynamics of femtosecond filaments | JM Rost |
4 April 2007 | Andrew Daley University Innsbruck | Dark state cooling of atoms in an optical lattice by superfluid immersion | A Buchleitner |
11 April 2007 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
12 April 2007 | Ulrich Galster Univ. Freiburg | Tracking non-adiabatic couplings in H3 | JM Rost |
18 April 2007 | Burkhard Schmidt FU Berlin | Molecular dynamics between classical and quantum mechanics | F Grossmann |
9 May 2007 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
6 June 2007 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
7 June 2007 | Tom Kirchner TU Clausthal | A unified approach to collision- and laser-induced electron dynamics in atomic systems | JM Rost |
20 June 2007 | Myungshik Kim Queen's University Belfast | Quantum-state engineering for travelling light fields | A Buchleitner |
8 August 2007 | Rupamanjari Ghosh New Delhi | Dynamics of open quantum systems | Kamal Singh |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
6 October 2006 | Jesús Rubayo-Soneira Habana, Cuba | Dynamics of structural relaxation upon Rydberg excitation of a NO impurity in rare gas solid matrices | JM Rost |
11 October 2006 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
18 October 2006 | Lamine Madjet FU Berlin | Intermolecular Coulomb couplings from ab-initio transition charges | JM Rost |
26 October 2006 | Valery Smirnov St. Petersburg State Univ. | A path integral approach in electron-atomic collisions | |
8 November 2006 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
23 November 2006 | Kai Willner Università di Roma | Weakly bound vibrational states of Na3 - A quantum defect approach | JM Rost |
29 November 2006 | Atomic Physics Workshop | ||
6 December 2006 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
13 December 2006 | Vitali Averbukh Uni Heidelberg | Interatomic decay in clusters: From diatomics to fullerenes | JM Rost |
17 January 2007 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
31 January 2007 | Michael Moseler Fraunhofer Inst. Freiburg | Density functional modeling of free and supported cluster: On the road to an understanding of nanoscale catalysis | F Grossmann |
14 February 2007 | IMPRS Seminar |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
8 February 2006 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
15 February 2006 | Irena Labazan Fritz Haber Inst. Berlin | Cooling of LiH molecules | JM Rost |
8 March 2006 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
22 March 2006 | Daniel Burgarth University College London | Coherent transport of quantum information in permanently coupled spin systems | A Buchleitner |
5 April 2006 | Andre Eckardt Universität Oldenburg | Superfluid insulator transition in a driven optical lattice | A Buchleitner |
12 April 2006 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
19 April 2006 | Gernot Schaller TU Dresden | Quantum optical pattern recognition with noise filtering | A Buchleitner |
has to be cancelled 20 April 2006 | E.E. Nikitin Israel Inst. of Technology, Haifa | Atto-second control of light-induced wavepacket dynamics of molecules | JM Rost |
26 April 2006 | Ulrich Kleinekathoefer TU Chemnitz | Dynamics and structure in molecular systems: From light-harvesting complexes to molecular wires | JM Rost |
10 May 2006 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
7 June 2006 | Alfredo Ozorio de Almeida | Unitary evolution of quantum operators: Representations in double phase space | JM Rost |
12 June 2006 | C. D. Lin Kansas State University | Probing atomic and electronic dynamics with sub-10fs and attosecond light pulses | JM Rost |
14 June 2006 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
19 Juli 2006 | Tobias Paul Univ. Regensburg | Matter wave transport through waveguides with disorder | JM Rost |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
06. October 2005 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
26. October 2005 | Jens Biegert, ETH Zürich | Coherent control in bound-bound and bound-continuum transitions | A Becker |
02. November 2005 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
09. November 2005 | Gernot Alber, TU Darmstadt | Quantum error correction and dynamical decoupling | F Grossmann |
28. November 2005 | Atomic Physics Workshop | ||
07. December 2005 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
13. December 2005 11 a.m. | Dirk K. Morr Chicago | Nanoscale structures and novel quantum phenomena in correlated electron systems | I Eremin |
14. December 2005 | Emily Lamour Institut des NanoSciences de Paris | Quantitative measurements of x-ray yields in strong laser-cluster interaction | U Saalmann |
15. December 2005 11 a.m. | Boris Samsonov Tomsk State University | Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and exactly solvable quantum problems | I Rotter |
18. January 2006 | IMPRS Seminar |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
23. March 2005 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
6. April 2005 | Michael Revzen Technion Haifa | The classical limit for the Casimir effect | P A Mello |
13. April 2005 | Zong-Chao Yan University of New Brunswick, Canada | High-precision studies of few-body Coulombic systems | T Pattard |
20. April 2005 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
4. May 2005 | Olivier Sigwarth Univ. Bayreuth | Weak localization of light in cold atoms with a magnetic field | A Buchleitner |
11. May 2005 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
25. May 2005 | Holger Waalkens Univ. Bristol | Phase space conduits for reaction in multi-dimensional systems: HCN isomerization in three dimensions | K Kruse |
1. June 2005 | Jörg Lehmann Univ. Basel | Phonon-assisted cotunneling through quantum dots | JM Rost |
15. June 2005 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
22. June 2005 | Andreas Komnik Univ. Freiburg | Transport properties of Luttinger liquids and single-wall carbon nanotubes | F Grossmann |
29. June 2005 | H.-J. Kull RWTH Aachen | Theory and simulation of nano-plasmas in strong laser fields | JM Rost |
6. July 2005 | Ingrid Rotter Pier A. Mello | Statistical study of the conductance and shot noise in open quantum-chaotic cavities | |
13. July 2005 | IMPRS Seminar | ||
Friday, 13:30 15. July 2005 | Baerbel Rethfeld Univ. Essen | Nonequilibrium dynamics of electrons in laser-excited solids | JM Rost |
03. August 2005 | Roland Wester Univ. Freiburg | Ultracold atom-molecule collisions inside an optical trap | J Brand |
10. August 2005 | Bjoern Trauzettel University Leiden | Current fluctuations in Luttinger liquid systems | JM Rost |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
27. October 2004 | Michael Bonitz Univ. Kiel | Strongly correlated classical and quantum charged particles in trapping potentials | T Pattard |
24. November 2004 | Ulrich Schramm LMU München | Threading ions like pearls on strings - properties of crystalline ion beams | T Pattard |
8. December 2004 | Rafael Gutierrez Univ. Regensburg | Dissipative effects in the electronic transport through DNA molecular wires | F Grossmann |
15. December 2004 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
12. January 2005 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
19. January 2005 | Jürgen Stuhler Univ. Stuttgart | Bose-Einstein condensation of chromium: A novel quantum gas with tunable long and short-range interaction | T Pattard |
9. February 2005 | Michael Geissler MPQ, Garching | Relativistic Laser Electron Acceleration | J M Rost |
23. February 2005 | IMPRS Seminar |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
12. May 2004 | Tim Laarmann MBI Berlin | Rare gas atoms and clusters in the focus of intense VUV free-electron laser light | U. Saalmann |
19. May 2004 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
02. June 2004 | Howard Reiss Max-Born-Institute Berlin | Relativistic strong-field phenomena | A. Becker |
09. June 2004 | Matthias Wollenhaupt Univ. Kassel | New strategies for quantum control: Intense laser fields and polarization shaping | U. Saalmann |
Thursday | Gerd Roepke Univ. Rostock | The dielectric function of strongly coupled Coulomb systems in related quantities: Conductivity, absorption, bremsstrahlung | JM Rost |
30. June 2004 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
07. July 2004 | Georgios Nikolopoulos TU Darmstadt | Electron wavepacket propagation and entanglement in a chain of coupled quantum dots | A. Buchleitner |
14. July 2004 | Italo Guarneri Univ. del'Insubria Como | Quantum accelerator modes and non-unimodular eigenvalues of unitary dynamics | A. Buchleitner |
21. July 2004 | Juergen Meyer-ter-Vehn MPQ Garching | Extreme energy density in solids by DESY XUV-FEL beams | JM Rost |
28. July 2004 | Marcus Beims | Quantum chaos of two particles in a circular billiard interacting via Yukawa potential | JM Rost |
15. September 2004 | Michael E. Kellman University of Oregon | Classical phase space structure and quantum dynamics in molecules and coupled Bose-Einstein condensates | J. Brand |
29. September 2004 | Tobias Brixner University of California at Berkeley | Quantum control by polarization shaping | M. Lein |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
15. October 2003 | Vincent Brems Univ. Bonn | Resonance overlapping in molecular predissociation | I. Rotter |
29. October 2003 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
5. November 2003 | Stephan Kümmel MPIPKS | Finite systems and density functional theory - hope of the future or past all hope? | JM Rost |
26. November 2003 | J. Stockburger Univ. Stuttgart | Quantum dynamics of open systems: A non-Markovian stochastic approach | F. Grossmann |
3. December 2003 | Workshop on Atomic Physics | ||
10. December 2003 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
14. January 2004 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
21. January 2004 | Markus Drescher Univ. Bielefeld | Attosecond-Spectroscopy: Sampling Electron Wave-Packets with Light | A. Becker |
28. January 2004 | Volker Engel Univ. Würzburg | Wavepacket dynamics of NaI molecules: time-resolved diffraction and orientation in a static electric field | M. Lein |
04. February 2004 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
18. February 2004 | Reinhard Dörner Univ. Frankfurt | Electron emission from fixed in space molecules and cluster | A. Becker |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
8. January 2003 | Martina Havenith Ruhr-Univ. Bochum | Laser spectroscopy of molecules in helium nanodroplets: Unusual observations in an ultracold matrix | JM Rost |
15. January 2003 | Günter Käb MPI für biophys. Chemie Göttingen | Statistical mechanics of mean field Ehrenfest quantum/classical molecular dynamics: Vibrational energy relaxation | F. Grossmann |
22. January 2003 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
29. January 2003 | Robert Olkiewicz | Decoherence in infinite quantum systems | A. Buchleitner |
5. February 2003 | Thomas Gasenzer Univ. Heidelberg | Oscillations between atoms and molecules in a Bose-Einstein condensate | A. Brand |
12. February 2003 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
12. March 2003 | Edward Arevalo Univ. Bayreuth | Soliton diffusion on chains of coupled nonlinear oscillators | A. Becker |
2. April 2003 | Misha Ivanov National Research Council, Ottawa | Quantum computing approach to quantum control: finding an alphabet for the language of molecular dynamicsa | A. Becker |
9. April 2003 | Nikos Doltsinis Ruhr-Univ. Bochum | Ab initio simulation of nonadiabatic processes in high-dimensional systems | F. Grossmann |
14. May 2003 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
11. June 2003 | Ilya Grigorenko FU Berlin | Complex dynamics and control | J.M. Rost |
18. June 2003 | Stavros Komineas Cambridge, UK | Solitons, solitonic vortices, and vortex rings in a cylindrical Bose-Einstein condensate | J. Brand |
25. June 2003 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
2. July 2003 | Sigmund Kohler Universität Augsburg | Transport through time-dependent systems | F. Grossmann |
16. July 2003 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
20. August 2003 | Gora Shlyapnikov AMOLF Amsterdam | Molecular BEC and atomic BCS in cold Fermi gases | J. Brand |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
18. September 2002 | Manfred Lein Imperial College London | High-harmonic generation and above-threshold ionization in aligned molecules | JM Rost |
30. October 2002 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
13. November 2002 | Martina Roeselova Inst. of Physical Chemistry Prag | Electron photodetachment in halide-water complexes: From classical to quantum dynamics | F. Grossmann |
27. November 2002 | Seminar Complex Dynamics | ||
4. December 2002 | Valentin Nesterenko JINR Dubna | Multipole plasmons in spherical and deformed atomic clusters | JM Rost |
12. December 2002 9:00 am | Boris Fine Spinoza Inst. Utrecht | Spin-spin relaxation at high-temperatures - implications of microscopic chaos | A. Buchleitner |
18. December 2002 | Michael Fleischhauer Uni Kaiserslautern | Slow-light: From quantum memories for photons to matter-wave optics | JM Rost |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 / Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
8. May 2002 | Ralf Wehlitz Synchroton Radiation Center, Univ. Wisconsin | Double photoionization of few-electron systems | JM Rost |
15. May 2002 | Tom Kirchner MPI für Kernphysik Heidelberg | Manipulating ion-atom collisions with coherent electromagnetic radiation | JM Rost |
29. May 2002 | Thomas Schlathölter KVI Atomic Physics, Groningen | Charge driven fragmentation of van-der-Waals clusters and small biomolecules | Ulf Saalmann |
5. June 2002 | Karol Zyczkowski Polish Academy of Sciences | Positive maps, completely positive maps and quantum entanglement | A. Buchleitner |
19. June 2002 | Charles Jaffe West Virginia University | Barriers to transport in systems with three or more degrees of freedom | JM Rost |
3. July 2002 | Ralph Jaquet Univ. Siegen | Spectroscopy and reaction dynamics of triatomic systems | F. Grossmann |
10. July 2002 | Günter Zwicknagel Univ. Erlangen | Semiquantal simulations of warm, dense hydrogen | JM Rost |
17. July 2002 | Hartmut Haeffner Univ. Innsbruck | Dynamical tunneling of cold atoms | A. Buchleitner |
24. July 2002 | Michael d'Arcy University of Oxford | Experimental studies of quantum chaos using cold atoms | A. Buchleitner |
31. July 2002 | Andreas Krug MPIPKS | Microwave driven alkali Rydberg states: Quantum chaos without a classical analogue? | A. Buchleitner |
14. August 2002 | Christof Yung UNAM Cuernavaca, Mexico | Molecular vibrations: from the spectrum to the motion of the atoms | JM Rost |
date | speaker | title | invited by |
17.10.2001 | A. Nazarkin, Max-Born-Institut, Berlin | Nonlinear optics with extremely short laser pulses: Theory and experiment | JM Rost |
24.10.2001 | Petr Seba, Univ. Hradec Kralove | Quantum chaos without quantum mechanics: the correlation statistics of human brain activity | JM Rost |
28.11.2001 | Nikolai Kabachnik, Univ. Bielefeld | A statistical model for fast ion-C60 collisions | R. Schmidt |
12.12.2001 | Peter Saalfrank, Univ. Regensburg | Laser-driven electron dynamics at interfaces | F. Grossmann |
9.1.2002 | Holger R. Dullin, Loughborough University | Quantum Monodromy in H2+ | J. Wiersig |
30.1.2002 | Gabriel Carlo, MPIPKS | Scar functions and semiclassical quantization | H. Schomerus |
date | speaker | title | invited by |
09.05.2001 | Andrea Nemes Salgueiro, MPI Heidelberg | The cavity QED Deutsch Quantum Computer | JM Rost |
30.05.2001 | Martin E. Garcia, FU Berlin | Femtosecond structural changes in solids and clusters | JM Rost |
13.06.2001 | Tomaz Prosen, Univ. Ljubljana | On relation between quantum ergodicity and fidelity of quantum dynamics | F. Grossmann |
27.06.2001 | Ulrich Kleinekathoefer, TU Chemnitz | Dissipative Dynamics in Molecular Systems | F. Grossmann |
04.07.2001 | Jörg Main, Uni Stuttgart | Periodic orbit quantization: From integrable to chaotic systems | F. Grossmann |
25.07.2001 | Thomas Dittrich, Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Semiclassical propagation of the Wigner function: path integrals and spectral correlations | JM Rost |
08.08.2001 | Tihamer Geyer, Weizmann Institute Rehovot | A quasiclassical approach to electron impact ionization | JM Rost |
15.08.2001 | Agapi Emmanouilidou, University of Texas Austin | Floquet scattering and signatures of chaos in an open quantum system | JM Rost |
22.08.2001 | Matthias Weidemueller, MPI für Kernphysik Heidelberg | title to be announced | A.Buchleitner |
05.09.2001 | Michael Walter, Univ. Freiburg | Photofragmentation of molecules | JM Rost |
date | speaker | title | invited by |
19.07.00 | Horst Koeppel, Uni Heidelberg | Nonadiabatic quantum molecular dynamics at conical intersections of potential energy surfaces | JM Rost |
06.09.00 | Knud Taulbjerg, Uni Aarhus | Peculiar Properties of two and three body Coulomb interactions | invited by: JM Rost |
04.10.00 | Peter Schmelcher, Uni Heidelberg | Magnetized Atoms | JM Rost |
15.11.00 | Simon Brattke MPI fuer Quantenoptik Garching | Photon Number States in the One Atom Maser | A. Buchleitner |
13.12.00 | Oliver Kuehn, FU Berlin | Laser-driven ultrafast selective bond-breaking in isolated polyatomic molecules | F. Grossmann |
20.12.00, 11:00 | Christoph Gebhardt MPI für Quantenoptik Garching | Charge Separation in Cluster Surface Collisions | A. Buchleitner |
17.01.01 | Regina de Vivie-Riedle MPQ Garching | Optimal control theory and the possibility to manipulate complex molecular motions | JM Rost |
21.02.01 | Ludger Wirtz TU Wien | Semiclassical transport through open quantum billiards: How much quantum mechanics is necessary to achieve unitarity ? | Th. Pattard |
Wednesday 16:30 - 17:30 * Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
12.01.2000 | Pavel Jungwirth, Prague | Photodissociation of small molecules in rare gas clusters by rotational preexcitation | F. Grossmann |
19.01.2000 | P.G. Reinhard, Uni Erlangen | Dynamics of electrons and ions in metal clusters | JM Rost |
26.01.2000 | G. Stock, Uni Freiburg | Theoretical description of femtosecond processes in complex molecular systems | JM Rost |
30.01.2000 - 05.02.2000 | no seminar | 21.Arbeitstagung Energiereiche Atomare Stöße Riezlern /Kleinwalsertal | organized by: JM Rost J. Ullrich, Freiburg |
07.02.2000 - 11.02.2000 | no seminar | Ringberg Meeting Theory group (MPQ) and Finite Systems & Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantum Systems (MPIPKS) | organized by: A. Buchleitner |
18.02.2000 11:00 | Johan Dubbeldam, Uni Amsterdam | Dynamics and noise in lasers with a saturable absorber: excitability and coherence resonance | A. Buchleitner |
28.02.2000 14:00 room 3 | group meeting Finite Systems Björn Zimmermann, Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin | Complete experiments in atomic and molecular photoionisation | JM Rost |
01.03.2000 17:00 room 3 | K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, Uni Rostock | Metal clusters in strong laser light fields | R. Schmidt |
14.03.2000 14:00 room 3 | group meeting Finite Systems Markus Porto, Tel Aviv University | Atomic Scale Engines: Cars and Wheels | JM Rost |
13.03.2000 - 20.04.2000 | International Workshop and Seminar Atomic Systems in Extreme Fields | Focus Meeting on Correlation Focus Meeting on Relativistic Effects | organized by: JM Rost Chr. Keitel, Freiburg Peter L. Knight, London |
19.04.2000 16:30 room 2 A 1 | group meeting Finite Systems Nenad Simonovic | Semiclassical quantization of bound three-body Coulomb systems | JM Rost |
17.05.2000 16:30 | Alfred Wünsche, Humboldt-Uni Berlin | Quasiprobabilities, state reconstruction and non-classicality of states in quantum optics | JM Rost |
14.06.2000 16:30 | Mohammed Lamine Madjet | Many-body effects in the ionization of metal clusters | JM Rost |
Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00 * Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
13.10.99 | no seminar | TU | |
20.10.99 | Ravi Rau (presently Uni Kaiserslautern) | Stability at saddles of potential surfaces | Jan M Rost |
25.10.99, 14.30 (Monday!) | Stephan Fritzsche (Uni Kassel) | Relativistic studies of open-shell atoms and ions | Jan M Rost |
27.10.99 | Reinhard Schinke, (MPI fuer Stroemungsforschung, Goettingen) | Unimolecular decay of molecules: A quantummechanical pespective | R Schmidt |
3.11.99 | no seminar | ||
10.11.99 16.00-18.00, room 2 A 1 (Double Welcome Seminar!) | 16.00: Himadri Chakraborti 17.15: Nenad Simonovic | Effects of interchannel coupling in atomic/ionic photoionization The hydrogen atom near a metal surface | Jan M Rost |
17.11.99 | holiday | ||
24.11.99 | Irene Burghardt, (Uni Heidelberg and CNRS, Paris) | Ultrashort-lived resonances in molecular photodissociation: periodic-orbit analysis | PKS/TU (F. Grossmann) |
1.12.99 | Christoph Keitel (Uni Freiburg) | Atoms in ultrastrong laserfields | Jan M Rost |
8.12.99 | Wolfgang Domcke (TU Muenchen) | Femtosecond dynamics at conical intersections | PKS/TU (J M Rost) |
Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00 * Seminar room 1+2, MPI PKS
date | speaker | title | invited by |
28.6.99 | John S. Briggs (presently Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin) | Time in Quantum Mechanics | Jan M Rost |
25.8.99 | Martin Dörr (Max-Born Institut, Berlin) | Time-dependent multiphoton ionization | Jan M Rost |
1.9.99 | Bernd Burghardt (Uni Dortmund) | Numerical evaluation of coherent-state path integrals: Wave packet propagation | Jan M Rost |
16.9.99 | Dominik Marx (MPI für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart) | Ab initio Clusters | Frank Grossmann |
29.9.99 | Mengli Du (MPI PKS) | Dynamics and spectroscopy of atoms in external fields | Jan M Rost |
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems | Nöthnitzer Straße 38, 01187 Dresden | fon: +49(351)871-2204 | fax: +49(351)871-2299