Thursday, 10:30 to 12:00, seminar room 4
Lecturer: Holger Kantz
Monday 11:20-12:40
on BBB
Lecturer Holger Kantz, Tutorial by Xinjia Hu
Monday + Wednesday 11:20-12:40
Lecturer: Holger Kantz
time/date to be announced.
Lecturer: Mehrnaz Anvari
Monday, 11:10-12:40, MPIPKS lecture room 3
Lecturer Holger Kantz, Tutor Jonathan Brisch
Monday 14:50-16:20, lecture room 3 MPIPKS
Wednesday 14:50-16:20, lecture room 3 MPIPKS
Lecturer Holger Kantz
Time/date to be announced, first lecture will take place in the second week of the winter term of TU Dresden
additional information
Lecturer Holger Kantz