Dynamical Control of Quantum Materials

International Workshop
22 - 26 May 2023

This workshop aims at identifying strategies for developing a unified understanding of nonthermal pathways to control quantum materials with light by bringing together experimentalists and theorists in the field. A main goal is to establish a roadmap for creating next-generation technologies based on ultrafast light-matter interactions in solids.

Topics include

  • Designer metastable phases: How can we control effective energy landscapes out of thermal equilibrium? 
  • Dressed nonequilibrium states in light of dissipation: How can Floquet engineering be achieved in solids?
  • Nonlinear responses: How can we bridge nonlinear optics and pump-probe spectroscopies? 
  • Towards quantum technologies: How can ultrafast light-matter interactions be harnessed  as a resource for quantum technological applications?

Invited speakers

Monika Aidelsburger (DE)
Richard Averitt (US)
Edoardo Baldini (US)
Uwe Bovensiepen (DE)
Martin Claassen (US)
Alberto de la Torre (US)
Martin Eckstein (DE)
Daniele Fausti (DE)
Simon Gerber (CH)
Isabella Gierz-Pehla (DE)
Rupert Huber (DE)
Stefan Kaiser (DE)
Sebastian Klembt (DE)
Anshul Kogar (US)

Sebastian Loth (DE)
Aditi Mitra (US)
Matteo Mitrano (US)
Takashi Oka (JP)
Laurenz Rettig (DE)
Claus Ropers (DE)
Hélène Seiler (DE)
Ryo Shimano (JP)
Philipp Werner (CH)

Scientific Coordinators

Dante Marvin Kennes
(RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

James W. McIver
(Columbia University, New York, USA)

Michael Sentef
(University of Bremen, Germany)


Mandy Lochar
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)


The call for applications is closed.

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Scientific Program

Monday, 22nd May: registration 08:00 to 16:30.

Monday, 22nd May, 9:30 to Friday, 26th May 2023, 13:00: scientific program.

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