Electronic Correlations and Beyond
- in Memory of Peter Fulde

International Workshop
3 - 5 October 2024

In remembrance of Peter Fulde, MPIPKS will hold a scientific meeting entitled "Electronic Correlations -- in memory of Peter Fulde". We aim to bring together scientists who have been influenced by Peter Fulde.

The core of the programme will consist of scientific presentations but there will also be an opportunity to celebrate Peter's life and achievements and to share memories.

We plan an on-site workshop. Talks will exclusively be presented on-site.


all aspects of electronic correlations, including

  • superconductivity
  • magnetism
  • heavy fermions
  • many-electron wavefunctions

Scientific Coordinators

Frank Jülicher
Roderich Moessner
Jan-Michael Rost

(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems Dresden, Germany)


Katrin Lantsch

(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems Dresden, Germany)


The application deadline was on 10th June 2024. The participants list is closed.

The registration fee for the international workshop is 100 Euro and should be paid by all participants.

Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.

Scam alert!

Please beware of accommodation arrangements and other services offered by third parties. We urge you not to give your credit card details or other personal information. The organization of the event is solely handled by the Visitors Program of MPI-PKS Dresden and its staff. If in doubt, please contact us via the event email address or via visitors[at]pks.mpg(dot)de. Thank you!

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How to reach us


Useful information for your way to the venue.

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