Ordinal methods: Concepts, applications, new developments and challenges

International Workshop
28 February - 4 March 2022

The year 2022 is the 20th anniversary of the seminal paper of C. Bandt and B. Pompe on permutation entropy. During this time, the new “ordinal” methodology has been developed by theoreticians and practitioners in different directions. However, many of the new concepts and approaches are not fully understood and there is also a need for a more systematic application of ordinal methods. In particular, the new developments have to be considered in the light of different and more general frameworks, such as ordinal statistics and ordinal methods in machine learning. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different disciplines to address those challenges.

Topics include

  • New theoretical results and practical applications;
  • Generalization of concepts and methods from the one-dimensional to the multidimensional case;
  • Appropriate application of ordinal methods to practical problems;
  • Optimal extraction of information from ordinal patterns,
  • General ordinal approaches based on the theories of dynamical systems, complexity systems, stochastic processes, and information;
  • Better theoretical understanding of several new variants of permutation entropy and their relationship to each other and to established measures of complexity;
  • Ordinal networks and applications;
  • Development of reliable ordinal pattern-based statistical estimation and hypothesis testing for the analysis of real-world data;
  • Use of ordinal methods in machine learning, including feature extraction on an ordinal base.

Invited speakers

Christoph Bandt (DE)
Aurelio Bariviera (ES)
Annika Betken (NL)
Claudio Delrieux (AR)
Armand Fouda (CM)
Alejandro Frery (NZ)
Hiroshi Gotoda (JP)
Grzegorz Graff (PL)
Beata Graff (PL)
Taichi Haruna (JP)
Yoshito Hirata (JP)
Dimitris Kugiumtzis (GR)
Jürgen Kurths (DE)
Holger Lange (NO)
Walter Legnani (AR)
Klaus Lehnertz (DE)
Inmaculada Leyva (ES)
Johann Martínez (ES)
Cristina Masoller (ES)
Diego Mateos (AR)
Marisa Mohr (DE)
Fernando Montani (AR)
María Muñoz-Guillermo (ES)
Milan Palus (CZ)
Ulrich Parlitz (DE)
Evgeniy Petrov (UA)
Haroldo Ribeiro (BR)
Alexander Schnurr (DE)
Michael Small (AU)
Miguel Cornelles Soriano (ES)
Piergiulio Tempesta (ES)
Christian Weiß (DE)
Massimiliano Zanin (ES)
Yong Zou (CN)
Luciano Zunino (AR)

Scientific Coordinators

José M. Amigó
(Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Spain)

Karsten Keller
(Universität zu Lübeck, Germany)

Osvaldo Rosso
(University Federal of Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil)


Maria Voigt
(MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany)


The call for applications is closed.

We plan for a hybrid workshop with a number of participants on-site and the others connected remotely.

For on-site participation the registration fee is 140 Euro; costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.
Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses.

Online attendance will be possible in any case. No fee for remote participation.

Scientific Program Structure

The scientific program is online.

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How to reach us (for on-site participants)


Useful information for your way to the venue.

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