Disorder, Interactions and Coherence: Warps and Delights

9:00 - 9:20Opening: Roderich Moessner (MPIPKS) & Serguei Brazovskii (Université Paris-Sud)
Chair: Vladimir Mineev (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique)
9:20 - 9:45Adrianus Pruisken (University of Amsterdam)
The quantum Hall effect, the $\theta$ angle, instantons and all that.
09:45 - 10:10Peter Fulde (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme)
Are wavefunctions for a large number of electrons a legitimate scientific concept?

10:10 - 10:35

Leonid Glazman (Yale University)
Topological superconductivity along a chain of magnetic atoms

10:35 - 10:55coffee break
10:55 - 11:20


Mikhail Katsnelson (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Collective phenomena in strongly correlated systems: Dual Boson approach
11:20 - 11:45


Igor Burmistrov (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Multifractality at Anderson transitions with Coulomb interaction
11:45 - 12:10


Christophe Texier (Université Paris Sud)
Topological phase transitions in the 1D multichannel Dirac equation with random mass and a random matrix model
12:10 - 13:00lunch

13:00 - 14:00

Break, Discussions

Chair: Georg Schwiete (FU Berlin)
14:00 - 14:25Denis Basko (CNRS)
Normal modes of phase oscillations in inhomogeneous Josephson junction chains
14:25 - 14:50Alexandre Abanov (Stony Brook University)
Geometric responses of Quantum Hall systems. Bulk and boundary
14:50 - 15:15Dmitry Polyakov (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Many-body localization in a quantum dot
15:15 - 15:40Mikhail Skvortsov (Skoltech and Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Superconductivity suppression in disordered films: Interplay of proximity to the 2D and 3D localization
15:40 - 16:00coffee break
16:00 - 16:25Valery Pokrovsky (Texas A & M University and Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Bose-condensation and superfluidity of magnons
16:25 - 16:50Yuval Gefen (Weizmann Institute)
Novel Mechanism for Shot Noise in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems
16:50 - 17:15Michel Dyakonov (Université Montpellier)
Microwave-induced resistance oscillations as a classical memory effect
17:15 - 17:40Claudio Castelnovo (University of Cambridge)
Emergent Coulombic criticality and Kibble-Zurek scaling in a topological magnet
17:40 - 18:05Dmitry Abanin (University of Geneva)
New kind of integrability in many-body localized systems
18:10 - 19:00Dinner
19:00 - 21:00Poster session
Chair: Konstantin Kikoin (Tel-Aviv University)
9:00 - 9:25Peter Littlewood (University of Chicago)
Screening of charge and structure in oxides
9:25 - 9:50Yury N. Ovchinnikov (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Phase slips in a current-biased narrow superconductor strip
9:50 - 10:15Konstantin Efetov (Ruhr-Universität-Bochum)
Cascade of phase transitions near quantum critical point

10:15 - 10:40

Vadim Oganesyan (City University, New York)
Phenomenology of many-body localization
10:40 - 11:00coffee break
11:00 - 11:25Martin Zirnbauer (Universität zu Köln)
On the Pruisken-Khmelnitskii RG flow for IQHE
11:25 - 11:50Frank Pollmann (MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Many-body localization: Entanglement and efficient numerical simulations
11:50 - 12:15Markus Müller (Paul Scherrer Institut and ICTP Trieste)
Classical impurities and boundary Majorana zero modes in quantum chains
12:15 - 13:00lunch
13:00 - 14:00Break, Discussions
Chair: Gunnar Möller (University of Kent)
14:00 - 14:25Sergej Flach (Massey University and Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems)
On thermalization of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system, and
nonlinearity induced destruction of Anderson Localization

14:25 - 14:50

Boris Spivak (University of Washington)
Chiral anomaly and magneto-transport phenomena in Weyl metals
14:50 - 15:15Karen Michaeli (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Origin of spin dependent tunneling through chiral molecules
15:15 - 15:45coffee break
15:45 - 16:10

Gerd Schön (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Decoherence of a quantum two-level system by spectral diffusion

16:10 - 16:35GregoryFalkovich (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Negative resistance, current vortices and other wonders of viscous electronics
16:35 - 17:00William Oliver (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Time-reversal symmetry and universal conductance fluctuations in a driven two-level system


17:00 - 17:25Mikhail Feigelman ( Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics and Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology)
Strongly disordered superconductors
18:00Bus departure for the conference dinner
18:30Conference dinner
22:30Busses returning to the hotel and the institute's guest houses
Chair: Revaz Ramazashvili (CNRS)
9:00 - 9:25Alexander Finkelstein (Texas A&M University and Weizmann Institute)
Heat transport in disordered many-body systems
9:25 - 9:50Ilya A. Gruzberg (The Ohio State University)
Low-frequency conductivity of disordered wires: integrability and instantons
9:50 - 10:15Frank Hekking (CNRS & Université Grenoble Alpes)
Persistent currents for interacting bosons on a ring with a Gauge field

10:15 - 10:40

Vikram Tripathi (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Magnetic field-dependent inhomogeneities and their effect on the magnetoresponse of 2D superconductors
10:40 - 11:00coffee break
11:00 - 11:25Pavel Wiegmann (University of Chicago)
Geometric transport: quantum hall states
11:25 - 11:50Konstantin Matveev (Argonne National Laboratory)
Electrical and thermal transport in inhomogeneous luttinger liquids
11:50 - 12:15Alex Kamenev (University of Minnesota)
Two parameter scaling in 1D topological Anderson insulators
12:15 - 13:00lunch
13:00 - 14:00Break, Discussions
Chair: Peter Littlewood (University of Chicago)
14:00 - 14:25John Chalker (Oxford University)
Length distributions in loop soups
14:25 - 14:50Lef Ioffe (Loboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies)
Non-ergodicity in many body systems and the phase diagram Josephson junction chain
14:50 - 15:15Rahul Nandkishore (Princeton University)
Many body localization and thermalization: insights from the entanglement spectrum
15:15 - 15:40Ildar Gabitov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Errors in high speed optical fiber communications


15:55 - 16:25coffee break
16:25 - 18:30

discussions in groups

18:30 dinner followed by workshop closing