Intelligent Machines? – Self-organized Nonlinear Dynamics of Machines across Scales

International Workshop
20 - 24 June 2022

From the internet of things to smart phones and from autonomous vehicles to robotic medicine, the world we interact with becomes increasingly autonomous. We aim to bring together researchers from nonlinear dynamics and complex systems science with those from smart systems’ design and robotic engineering to further our understanding of the dynamics of complex multi-dimensional "intelligent" machines.

Topics include

  • collective dynamics of machines
  • data analytics and machine learning for real world interactions
  • smart materials
  • soft robotics
  • micro and nanosystems and robots
  • autonomous locomotion
  • embodied AI
  • interacting infrastructure
  • nonlinear vibrations
  • distributed imaging and sensing
  • theory for systems design
  • interacting machines
  • robotic medicine
  • complex machine dynamics

Invited speakers

Christian Bettstetter (AT)
Thies Büscher (DE)
Oleg Gendelman (IL)
Claudius Gros (DE)
George Haller (CH)
Jemin Hwangbo (KR)
Auke Jan Ijspeert (CH)
Johannes Klinglmayr (AT)
Wei Lu (US)
Sebastian Oberst (AU)
Andreas Richter (DE)
Sebastian Risi (DK)
Philipp Rothemund (DE)
Yulia Sandamirskaya (DE)
Maziar Ahmad Sharbafi (DE)
Metin Sitti (DE)
Alexander Vakakis (US)
Thomas Wallmersperger (DE)
Xiaofeng Xiong (DK)

Scientific Coordinators

Norbert Hoffmann
(Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)

Poramate Manoonpong
(The University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)

Marc Timme
(Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)


Maria Voigt
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)


Applications for VIRTUAL participation are still welcome - please apply via the application form.

We will have a hybrid workshop with a number of participants on-site and the others connected remotely.
The number of on-site participants is limited. Online attendance will be possible in any case.

For on-site participation the registration fee is 140 Euro; costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.
No fee for remote participation.

Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses of on-site participants.

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Scientific Program

The scientific program is online.

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How to reach us


Useful information for your way to the venue.

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