Julia Meyer
(Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France)
Gil Refael
(California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA)
Kirill Shtengel
(University of California, Riverside, USA)
In recent years, a novel approach to finding and exploring topological materials has emerged: namely, one can “imitate” necessary physical ingredients by using other degrees of freedom. Notable examples include (but are not limited to) driven systems and photonics, multi-terminal Josephson junctions, topological electrical circuits as well as synthetic dimensions and gauge fields in cold atomic systems. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers working on such “synthetic topological materials” in order to assess recent developments and bring new ideas to this rapidly developing field.
Monika Aidelsburger (DE)
Bela Bauer (US)
Jacqueline Bloch (FR)
Iacopo Carusotto (IT)
Anushya Chandran (US)
Pierre Delpace (FR)
Nathan Goldman (BE)
Mohammad Hafezi (US)
Manuel Houzet (FR)
Sebastian D. Huber (CH)
Vedika Khemani (US)
Netanel Lindner (IL)
Guillaume Malpuech (FR)
Florian Marquardt (DE)
Ivar Martin (US)
Sylvain Nascimbene (FR)
Yuli Nazarov (NL)
Hannah Price (UK)
Mikael Rechtsman (US)
Pedram Roushan (US)
Mark Rudner (DK)
Eran Sela (IL)
Jonathan Simon (US)
Ian B. Spielman (US)
Ronny Thomale (DE)
Oded Zilberberg (CH)